10 Best Souvenirs from Amsterdam (You Won't Find Elsewhere) (2024)

Searching for souvenirs from Amsterdam? From wooden clogs to Delftware pottery, these quintessentially Dutch souvenirs will provide ever-lasting memories of your time in the Netherlands.

10 Best Souvenirs from Amsterdam (You Won't Find Elsewhere) (1)

Amsterdam is a bustling city with a rich history and culture. From sailing along the canals to browsing world-class museums, there’s much to do and see in this vibrant city.

And if you want to remember all of that sightseeing, you might need to buy one or two unique souvenirs from Amsterdam.

Traditional Dutch delftware, hand-painted wooden clogs and even Banksy memorabilia are just some of the amazing souvenirs available in Amsterdam. And if you’re shopping on a budget, you’ll be glad to know that Amsterdam is home to many excellent shops and markets where you can find fantastic souvenirs at bargain prices.

So, whether you’re shopping for yourself or a loved one, these souvenirs from Amsterdam promise to be cherished mementos.

10 Best Souvenirs from Amsterdam

Foodies, history buffs, creatives and fashionistas can all take a piece of the Netherlands home with these authentic Dutch souvenirs from Amsterdam.

1. Stroopwafels from Amsterdam

If you’re looking for a sweet treat to bring home from your trip to Amsterdam, look no further than the stroopwafel.

10 Best Souvenirs from Amsterdam (You Won't Find Elsewhere) (2)

Stroopwafels consist of layers of thin waffles filled with a sticky caramel sauce. This delicious dessert tastes dreamy by itself, but it’s traditionally eaten with coffee or tea in the Netherlands.

You can find stroopwafels at most supermarkets and bakeries in Amsterdam, so pick up a few before you leave.

2. Delft Blue pottery from Amsterdam

Delft Blue pottery is one of the most iconic homeware souvenirs from Amsterdam, and there’s no better place to buy it than at Kramer Kunst & Antiek.

Made in the city since the 17th century, this beautiful porcelain features intricate designs inspired by Dutch art and culture.

Whether you’re looking for a vase, plates or a decorative figurine, Delft Blue will add a touch of Amsterdam’s style to your home. So, don’t leave Amsterdam without picking up some Delft Blue pottery as a memento of your trip for your Amsterdam souvenirs.

3. Wooden clogs from Amsterdam

Wooden clogs are another quintessential Dutch souvenir. Farmers and fishermen once wore these sturdy shoes in the Netherlands, but nowadays, they’re more likely to be found on the feet of tourists.

10 Best Souvenirs from Amsterdam (You Won't Find Elsewhere) (4)

There are many clog shops in Amsterdam where you can try different styles and sizes to find the perfect pair. And if you’re worried about fitting them in your suitcase, don’t worry – most clog shops will gladly ship your purchase home.

These would make for wonderful gifts from Amsterdam!

READ MORE: 11 Best Things to Do in Haarlem, Amsterdam

4. Dutch cheese from Amsterdam

No trip to the Netherlands would be complete without trying some Dutch cheese.

10 Best Souvenirs from Amsterdam (You Won't Find Elsewhere) (5)

This delicious dairy treat comes in a wide variety of flavours and textures, so there’s almost certainly a type of cheese that even fussy eaters will enjoy.

Gouda is one of the most well-known Dutch cheeses, but other popular options include Edam, maasdam and Leyden.

You’ll find Dutch cheese at most supermarkets and specialty food stores in Amsterdam. Buy cheese from the Nieuwmarkt Farmers’ Market if you want to support local producers. A must see if you’re visiting Amsterdam at all.

Cheese makes for some classic souvenirs from Holland.

5. Tulip bulbs from Amsterdam

Tulips are an iconic symbol of the Netherlands, so it’s only fitting that tulip bulbs make the list of best souvenirs from Amsterdam.

10 Best Souvenirs from Amsterdam (You Won't Find Elsewhere) (6)

If you want to bring home a lasting reminder of your trip, buy a few bulbs from a flower market or garden centre and plant them when you get home. With a little care, they’ll soon bloom into beautiful tulips that will remind you of your time in Amsterdam every time you see them.

6. Bicycle-related souvenir from Amsterdam

One of the most unique and memorable gifts you can buy in Amsterdam is a bicycle-related item. After all, Amsterdam is known for its love of two-wheeled transportation and expansive network of bike lanes.

10 Best Souvenirs from Amsterdam (You Won't Find Elsewhere) (7)

Consider buying a bike bell or decorative handlebar grip for the cyclist in your life. Or, opt for a miniature replica of a ‘omafiets’ (traditional Dutch road bike) for a more characteristic Amsterdam souvenir.

7. Windmill souvenir from Amsterdam

One of the most recognisable symbols of the Netherlands is the windmill, so it’s no surprise that windmill-related souvenirs are popular with tourists.

10 Best Souvenirs from Amsterdam (You Won't Find Elsewhere) (8)

For something small and practical, pick up a keyring or magnet in the shape of a windmill. Or, for something a little more substantial, consider a wooden windmill model or miniature windmill figurine.

No matter what you choose, a windmill souvenir will be a hit with anyone who loves Dutch culture and history. You’ll find them in any souvenir shop in Amsterdam!

8. Banksy souvenir from the Moco Museum

If you have an eye for inspiring modern and street art, I highly recommend browsing the exhibits at the Moco Museum.

This world-renowned institution houses an extensive collection of contemporary art, and it’s also home to one of the most popular souvenirs in the city: a t-shirt featuring an iconic Banksy design from the museum gift shop. It’ll be a stylish souvenir that will keep you thinking about Amsterdam long after you’ve left.

9. Dutch gin from Amsterdam

Visitors to Amsterdam who like to dive into the city’s party scene might consider picking up a bottle of Dutch gin to enjoy back at home. This juniper-flavoured spirit is lower in alcohol than regular gin, but it packs a flavourful punch nonetheless.

10 Best Souvenirs from Amsterdam (You Won't Find Elsewhere) (9)

Dutch gin is often served neat or on the rocks, but it can also be used to concoct tempting co*cktails such as martinis and gin & tonics.

Whether you drink it yourself or gift it to a friend, Dutch gin guarantees to add laughter and liveliness to special occasions. A great Amsterdam souvenir. Cheers!

READ MORE: How to Steer Clear of the Chavs in Amsterdam

10. Glassware from Amsterdam

If you fancy making your very own souvenir in Amsterdam while learning an undeniably cool skill, you might want to join a glass-blowing workshop.

10 Best Souvenirs from Amsterdam (You Won't Find Elsewhere) (10)

There are lots of studios in the Dutch capital where you can learn how to create stunning glassware with the guidance of a professional glassblower. If you fancy travelling 60km south to Leerdam, you can visit the National Glass Museum (Nationaal Glasmuseum).

Just remember to take extra care when transporting your custom glassware home!

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Souvenirs from Amsterdam to remember your trip

If you want to bring home a piece of Amsterdam that will last, choose an authentic souvenir that reflects the city’s heritage and can’t easily be found elsewhere. From traditional Dutch clogs to Delft Blue pottery, there are plenty of options for everyone. With a little help from this list of Amsterdam souvenirs, I hope you can track down the perfect memento of your trip.

10 Best Souvenirs from Amsterdam (You Won't Find Elsewhere) (11)

What are your favourite souvenirs from Amsterdam that take inspiration from the heritage of the Netherlands? Let me know in the comments below.

Quick list of the best souvenirs from Amsterdam

  1. Stroopwafels
  2. Delft blue pottery
  3. Wooden clogs
  4. Dutch cheese
  5. Tulip bulbs
  6. Bicycle-related souvenir
  7. Windmill souvenir
  8. Banksy souvenir from the Moco Museum
  9. Dutch gin
  10. Glassware

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10 Best Souvenirs from Amsterdam (You Won't Find Elsewhere) (2024)


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