The Dallas Daily Herald (2024)

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The Dallas Daily Herald (1) Previous item Next item

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613 and 615 Elm Street 6U and 616 Pacific Avenue
Dil.i.As.Jtily 21. The lato heavy rain ro be-
Binning 10 excite apprehensions of damage to
le ffruwlnn cotton crop. Many think Um much
ruin haa already fallen and that Instead of
fruiting well Hie plant Bill run loo much to
Weed. From the best lufnrtnaUon to ho obtain-
ed the rolu up lo thin elate has teen a brnellt to
the crop and although more has fallen than the
plant required with kooiI warm weather follow-
IiiK the yield will ha an unprecedented one.
Some planter! express fears that the excessive
wet weather will produce tho boll worm hut
as It ha not yet made in apiicaraiice. It is to
bo hoped Uat the calamity will not
fall upon tliln portion of thu mate
this vear. "flntllctoni t tho day Is the
evil thereof" and Iroublo of this kind should
(rive no one concern until it la upon them when
fchoiild it come It may ho arrested entirely or
militated ill a ureal degree. The rain In doing
no damage to llio corn and allhniiKli more is
uotri'iUircd il ll III men an advanced condi-
tion that it cannot ho iitl'eelcdillsiidvaniiiKi'Oiisly.
One hencllclal ell'ect will follow. aul thai ta a re-
vival of tho irrastes and stnck-ralseis can ro-
Joloo for Rood ranges for cattle are now assured
until late In the year. Let the hope he felt by
every elys that all 1" for the bent and that the
Ultimate rcmtlte w ill prove cheering In each and
every one tho planter Uio merchant and the
Tho Exchnnrre lliis morning was cboorcd by
tho presence of its president Mr Oppoiihetmer
Who has been absent for Home lime pant visit-
ing C'hlcttio HI Louis and other cities. Mr. I)
Kalnwaler ulso'was present after a short trip
Tin rain comltiK up about llio opening hour
of Hie hxuliunee the aliciidnnco was not lurK".
Still tho usual iicnvy dealers were present trat 8
acting business. The sales continue IIkIiL ovvIiik'
to short receipts the movement of grain In tho
oountry being much Interfered with by the Inle
heavy rains. Thu only change to b noted in
prices la an advance in wheat mid it was
quoted on the boards U-dny at ns
pur niiality and grade. Ail oilier grains remain
steady at former llgurcs allhoiigli there seemed
to be a foreshadowing of a decline In oa!s. All
the new corn that has yet been ollcrcd In the
market has brought HO cents but it will probably
how a lullliiK'ofV In price as soon as it begins
to arrive inoru freely. The storm Interfered
anmuwhat with the shipment of grain hut
nearly the usual number of cars were hilled for
Hi. Louis and other points.
It Is to be hoped that telegraphic reports will
horeafter arrive more promptly. If proper rep-
resentatlous arc made to the managers in Ht.
lunula no dnubt ran bo entertained that they
will reach here earlier. Mr. Burton the mana-
ger of Die lines in tills oily will spare no lime
or laiMir u have the matter arranged lo the sat-
isfaction oflne Exchange.
Thr following Is from Messrs. Sehwabachor A
Hlrsch's New Orleans circular of the llh: Thu
S rain markets of the west have been weak and
celiulng during- the past wick especially Hit
farolf optious which aro materially lower and
with .the Indications of lower prices for wheal
corn and oats after this month. I-t ou the
pot are bringing good prices and tho general
Impression Is that it Is a good lime to sell.
Oats. Thu crop of oats lii'Ainorlea In 18711 ne-
oordlng to the census was 4078fi(i(si hiisliels.aud
present reliiiblclaulhorllios say 11 will exceed this
amount this year lor the asreagn Is larger mid
nearly all reports give estimates of an minimal-
ly large yield per acre. .Muikct hero is fairly ac-
tive nl 67 lolss cents pur biiHhel for Texas oals
in sacks and WloCJ cents for standard western
Com lu wicks. Klrin and aellvont 41 0' for
white and w to cents for yellow aud mixed.
8Uicl:ir ' small here nl present.
llnui.- Is unlet aud selling at (1.07 1-2 lo 1.10
per luo pounds.
Hay In; lair demand and at lis for oholco;
125 to KB prime.
Captain A J. linss left at llio Ixclmtige to-
day a stock of storm proof cotton grown by him-
self one and a half miles south of this itlty
which he says will probably produce nno aiul a
half bales to llio acre. 'I ho ss input ia very line
ami attracted the intention of all the members
and visitors on llio Exchange
Tin grain markets In 8U Louis lo-duy at 12:15
were ns follows: Cash wheal 11.00 to 11.01;
July ll.oj.v to 11.01. Cash corn 77 to 78 1-1
Oats fii. At 8:80 p. m there was nothing douu
In rash whcul; July wheat I.U1 1-2 corn 78 l-t
oats 61.
Mn. F. C. Oaivf.r exhibited on tho streets
to-day a sample of grapes grown from seeds
takeu frnra the Malaga grape. They wore pro-
nounced very Hue and eiiual to those imported.
It douionatratet the fad Unit Uuy can bu grown
profitably here lu Texas
TllR rocellits of uruin tn.ditc worn not hoAVV
niuiuiiy ns large as was expecteu.iu view .01 the
condition of the weather and rouoa. There wua
ouo or two loads of new corn on llio market
wtilcli iirougni so cents. Wheat is a little bet-
ter aud quotations are advauctd accotdlngly.
Oilier grains nre without cluing.
Wlir.AT Choice 1 00; medium Wc; low Krado.
80c; Nit-anuru M)o
Rvx Nominal atGOu Ini lo boo.
MiLl.hT Hkeii l.fah German nitllrL 1.7Y
Oath SO UxtJc for spring; Us lo Uu for fail; lu
lacks 8 cents additional.
Corn H'tc to Hoc; Kansas. In sacks $l.0!i to 1.1a
Bran We quota at miiU lu store tucks
tl CO.
Floor Wo qnoto City Mills at follow: XXX
tlM. XXXX i;i00; cxlra ln.'Jo; Magnolia M.VA.
Imported: XX per cwt I " tVi; XXX W.tti;
ZXXX 18 8V choice famllv M ' fuuey H 7
Oallforulii fancy IS buga tVi; choice faintly
Com meal per bushel (1 20.
Graham Hour. Per hundred. 13.75.
Til sii s was a good round advance In both
whuat aud corn in IMiloaso to-dav. Kor August
wncal llio uiarget opened at It 01 anil closed at
H.tUVS thn-e-riuitrters of a cinl above the
closing sales of the day before For ricptcmbcr
deliveries It sold on first call at tl.02 0-" and ad-
vanced gradually closing al ll.ltlH-4. seven-
eigluht (d a cent advance on yesterday's last
- prices. Corn for August sold in the morning for
vi i-j ami in me evening ai in 1-9 a cent ami a
half over the doting sales reiiiMny For rWn
U'lnlwr deliveries ll opened at'M and cloted
al 77 7-8 a cent and an eighth advance ou Iho
latt sales of last evening.
The Hnllimorc Journal of Commerce rotilr.lns
' the following: Tho average eondiilon of winter
wneat accoruing lo ine agricultural depart
in lit. was 104 lu Julv. or hmher than over li.i-
foroat that dale while the averago for the
spring crop wat but imio lest favorable. From
all liilormatlon that can now be gathered we
nee no reason losuiicipaie a yitni ot less than 0 bushels or about the same as In Iks
At Hie outside our total reiiiilreineiiu for risul
and need during 1M2-KS will not bo over about
iiixiise tinsiicit wnieii would leave au ex-
portable surplus of lVe00IM) bushela while the
old stock now lu the country added to this w ould
allow us to export during the present crop year
hilly SOU 000 OIK) bushels and still carry over Into
the lollowiue vear a balauce of nrobablv la Use .
Ouo bushels or mon Tho highest aiiiounl of
wneat ever cxportco ill olio year w as lsaouu.4
bushelt aud that during a year when the erupt
oi aunon every I'.uroiicaii country nan partially
failed aud la-fore India had begun lo thlp
inrKviy. sou moreover ii was a staton oi a Very
ahori yield lu Russia; so that we may feel at-
aurvd of hsvlug euough wheat this year under
ordinary rlrvumilaiicet to meet all the reuulni-
tueuu of Europe. At the same time II seems to
no an suiiiiiicm tact inat r.uroi will need much
larger limiorlatiout than last year aa her era.
rnirica am nearly bare of stock and her crop
NWi1Vlf i iMiiiioniOg
Is Carson they spread trout on Uislr free
lunch table.
Fruit pcddlcr't license In Pan Joso It l-'fl isg
mouth. This Is a prohibitive ratal. -The
Reno Journal say t there aro t.CHO (oats
wiinin six miiea oi 'liat town. They ate assess
ed till tfi ner load.
In the last ten yearn thcro lias been 4lrm
new larmt openea in Arkansas w men It an
aveiais uf Coo new farms lu leu years lu etch
wiiniy .
. Tho Rhode Island flsherlet omrlov 1.110 ner
tons and produce t0Vl& annually the ecnsui
vuiicuus U'll us.
The common eonnctl Of Ortnd Itantds. Mlchl
Itsm. haa votsd Ui Issue bondi fot lu000 to ct'
Itwuu uie wawr-woias sysieuu
Wni nwft w twviui k tm! quAcUtr ot
walnut logs In Kansas hauling tlu'in to I'errr
and shipidng them to ToN'ka where they will
la) tawed and the lumber shipped east. They are
paying 92f per thousand In the woods.
lasl week atOrvillu during a thuuder-stnrm
an electric glolie iknowu as St. Klmo's tire) was
seen in the lop of a tree dancing about and was
Visible for twenty minutes.
In Wasco county Oregon south of Fifteen
Mile creek nearly half the growing crops hare
been destroyed by grasshopiwrs. Hut there is a
dull-blue gray II y that follows tho grasshopper
and fights him. These Insects stay with
them anil when llio hopper Hies dan at It and
fasten under tho wings gpiilly retarding its
Kear Mexico a mammoth tree was felled on
the farm of Charles Cowan. It measured nine
feet through near the ground was 110 feet high
the lirstlluib growing out at a height of thirty
feet from tho base and Is thought to he al least
4i years old The wood was inado up Into sis)
rails St' fence posts besides ten cords of lira-
wood. !ly its full twelve toulrrels and one rac-
ooonwero killed. This is Uiu largest true that
ever grew in that section.
There are scattered throughout Iho city of
Nv York U.lfti manufacturing establishments
with a cash cituilal of AiM.'JIT.h . emnlovlug
over 215.VO0 hands and turning out an annual
product worth HWJ lis. '1 lie. Held covered is
iiumeiiso. There are nearly eightv dlitiircnt
varieties of manufacture whose annual product
reaches Into Iho millions. At thu head of the
list stands the manufacture of clothing. The
annual prodact of men's clothing amount! to
JHIJi'lilW and of women's clothing lo llH.n.m.
5.VI. Nell comes thu meat-packing industry
w hich gives an annual yield worth S.N.i.2ir.U7.
Tobacco gives annual product of t22!klH0n of
which amount SIH.SI7.10S is for cigars alone.
Next to tobacco comes tho printing anil publish-
ing business w ith a capital of 81 1.77 t'.i2u and an
annual product of 2liit!l.'J;a. The lard refining
business turns out a product of H l.7eS7lll. The
refining of sugar and molasses yields Sll.liii.-
At'i. Furniture is turned out to Iho annual
amount of t-'.tio77!l aud boots and shoes nre
worth I7.W:ii no. llatsandcaps yMd II.isjs.mki.
and millinery and lice goods S'.bsS.nso. Tho
product of machinery Is given at ty2Ui7l:!; silk
mid silk goods $7NHl'JS!; umbrellas and canes
HMI; confectionery I..V.Ii.iVi2: jowelry tjf.
IKII.l'JS; musical lilstrunient.s t("i'i:ii''i; sliiru
$..iHjh01'. and ship-building only 8i.(X.;tl
A rcportjiisi issued by the S1IK sssis'liitlon of
America summing up t lie sta'istlcs of the fiscal
year shows a brlglit prosperity lu this depart-1
mentof industrial activity while a comparison
with tho census llgurcs of 1H70 reveals a rise
In thu Aniorlcan silk Industry which Is as strik-
ing ss ll Is gratifying. The value of the goods
made In the American factories lu the year end-
ed Juno HO lhW was about :i.iWSIIMK). lu 1x70
the value of all products of silk establishments
lu the Hulled Stales was tl2OUO.O(). These fig-
ures show that the industry has trcrilod in ten
years. The enlargement of productive catmcitv
teems to have been oven greater. Since lwu thu
faolorles have increased III number from M to
IHS looms from 1.K- to H.i-CO hands employed
truin tiuo to .'H5 J and the amount of wages
paid during Iho year from S2000ijou to 89Ouu(Mi.
Another noticeable fesluro of llio business Is
that several stales which did not appear lu tho
retiirui of l7u are now represented aa having
factories. Thci are Maine Khode Island t'all-
forula Illinois Kansas and Missouri. Hut while
ux it manufactured Hi niieen stales the Indus
try Is as yet practically confined lo New Jersey
(.whero Its greatest development has lakeu
place). New York Massachusutlt and I'ennsyl-
vanlik If the rapid strides of progress ivu are
taking in this department shall bu kept up.huw
img will It be till Ibu looms of Lvoiisnuedwuiiva
uo mure tilk tor America?
The American tllk-miikcrs have tho satisfac-
tion of knowing too Hint they huvo doubled tho
irouiici ot tne very nsi year itiuy nave had he-
me Hie iitiiio of 1S7IL and Hits liolwithsiaiiilltHr
llio gain In the Importation of foreign silk goods
by foreign silkouakuri since llio year IS7J Is very
small and that tho Importing of many lines of
sins is uow nuiug rapidly cm down mid uo
mblsomeof them will ilthanncar Irnin tlni list
lu thu course of the next tou years nt IcasL
There has lately buun n revival of Interest 111
silk culture In some sections of the country.
i no uiiai pronuclei uiu raw article ill tills coun-
try Is very small as the raising of it lu the Uni-
ted Hiatus has not reached eveti the slaturu of a
regular luduttrr. and hence It Is still lu a nurelT
tlemeiilnry stage. Hence tho materials of w hich
American tut goous ate made aro uearly all
Imported. These lnnlerlnls are of two dist net
grades one of which ia known as "raw sill "
mid the other as "tpun silk." If the ".laments
of cocoons can be unwound In a continuum
thread of fibre ll It retlud and known as "raw
silk;" but If ll cannot bu reeled it miistbu spun
ami Is called "spun tllk." The cheaper varie-
ties ot silk drwst goods aro nil piadu from this
latter material.
Much comiilalnt has been madn of lain veiirs
III regard to adulterated silks and some of Ihu
leading American liiHUiifai tun ra continue lo
send out Instructions like Ihu followlini: "Please
compare Hits silk with the best French goods by
raveling out n icw oi tne inrcaua ironi cacn.
Test their comparative smnoihuess and strength
by passing through and breaking over the lin-
gers lu heavllv-dveil silks the narllcles of ilm
will mako the threads feel rough and lumpy lo
me uiiicii. I lieu iiv weitinir liic it i iroin oiicu
separately thu goods weighted by dyo will bo
rvauiiy iiisiiuguisneii ny tno uvo com lie out un-
icr pressure. Anoiner simple but ellectivo lest
if purity Is to burn a small ununiliv of ihn
threads. I'ure silk will Instantly crisp h aving
uuly ii pure charcoal lleavily-dyuil silk will
Slimmer leaving a yellow grviuy ash"
The supetliirily of American silk goods la now
acknowledged and this is duo in pan lo their
High standard of production aud to the fiiullilles
lor securing the best raw silk.
BnTFIt facllltlss are nlf.-red Inmbor t.ul.r
here for receiving their supplies from the mills
than 111 f'riner years ami Iho couseo'ience la
that slocks am large and well assorted iiotwlth.
Minuting uie iicnvy iirniii iiiinio upon litem lor
building purposes lu this city. Trade to tho
country Is better than ill any former season.
Our brick kilns nre still enabled lo supply the
growing demand made upon them but how long
this may continue la yet lo be determined. The
shipment of doors sash ami like imiterlul Is now
Very heavy. There have been heavy sales iiinde
lo the Western! other directions of piiinu. oils
lime and ccmeut and Iho orders uro dally In-
c reusing.
Bate At thu kilns to 110 kiln run.
STONSS AllllO Dallas oorrl.i .So lu noln
ftxit: II for fuuudaUon; 10 for wall aud 25 fur
drcssiHl front.
Ll'MsKa Yellow pine Mngh 12 25 per 100
eoL ovur 'it fti.l 111 iHuirih- t-1 Mii.l..l !
dretsed Uoorlui and llnlshuoi. J 7"v i nlltu
ri S . wiling i do; yellow rlne
Itdttig Kk while pine celling U 7S llrst
eominon; while pine siding 11 rsi common j M
ash aud walnut Hoar lug (lit) per thousand;
(oplar dnssavd both tldet JMk rough walu.iL
12b to IMJ. Common doors 11 (g) lo tl; taslk 11 2t
too 00 aato site.
Posts cMr. 112 60; Boise d' aro
Laths per thousand.
bHmei.te Yelpiw. pine. It N lo 4 2Se whllo
Pints U hi to tn Ou Cypress No I to; Mux
4 NO: No ft t& 2ft
tltuxat - Koaeudale H 7 loulivUle U O0
Portland I SO
Dsain 1'irRt Inch Ifki per foot 41ncb3te
Inch. Dc; 7 inch. 40b; hwh. Mm.
l'l.AsTts I'ASis Ivr barrel Hi4 Mk
Haik rvr kiiihI 7o
CtatsT ri.uiis-eliudi. ro;71nch 40ojlnoh
celling Joint 1; t Inch cap too; 1 lueh eUlu
lolni 11 X 7 lueh cap Aa (ale.
Mihd Paints Heady for lias and all colors
II 2.Sil so ht gaL AU the UmUsI and ttaudard
make are ou rale by Dallas dealers
Wmit Lxaiv-HtrUUy Pun 17 M
Lias I'ootwnsl Aiistlu t2pur barrel; balk
11 t Uenituu car lota tut; por bar rot. tl is
Ualias In lota 20m per buthul Xto.
Tita receipt of new hay aro above tho de-
mand and prices havo declined since Inst re.
pons. 1 here havo alto been liberal otferlugt of
millet but at this early date while grsst Is
f:ooil the takings havo la-en light Tho season
orteedtli sUuil over and with Ihe exception
of millet there Is only a small demand Feed.
stuila are II mi but outside uf tome small orders
from the pineries In the vast the talc are oou-
uueu ui local ucmauus. vt e quote:
Krro rhopped corn per UO 11 tl ."A crush.
eu corn ana con per luu int. ft
M; criislied corn
and barley per 100 lb
lbs . ;&o.
I 2 i
corn bran per lot)
Htv-lMirk. VrlghS I. Fro lnns-
Rratrio miihI (lark Hs. bright 110; bright
w on boanl. ear. I to He dark ll to A.
URatiAil Nil.i.rr W qimtt) al It 1 Ilttl
millet (I 40 toll ta Bcmr la the market
Oorderj.. 6r pw ppr NlaUj Whole.! l
Paoviaiosu continue very active In thbj city
and the shiumenu are uimrw.lnmiiw in.
for tlilt season of Uie year The hlh prices ef
beef cattle ooutribute greatly to the sales of the
hog productt everywhere aud their influence
are felt even hero lu the great cattle stale of Ihe
Union. There is probably as ninth or more
meals and lard sold in Uilscity than in any other
uiree or roitr oi tue largest elites in north Texas
and the demand here is giaduaUy growing.
rncca in uauaa ure always maintained ou a
partly wun tuose in pacaing centres and buy.
ers are protected lu supplying luelr wauU here-
Prices are steady at the following quotations;
IUco*k Long clear sides liui short clear
1(1 'e; breakfast bacon KSc
Uky Halt Ljng cloai tides 15c; short deal.
liAaa Canvasicd ICS'; Magnolia IC.
l.Aiii) Tierce 14so; half barrel WtK Mb
cans MSc; 20-lb cans. HSe; 10-lbcaus. H.'io;&-lb
cans bc: S-'b cans. 15Su.
There sushis to be a see-saw game in mess
purk In ( hicago between the months of August
and September. One day the former la higher
than the latter Aud vice versa. There was an ad-
vane In both mouths to-day. August oiH-ned at
I20.D2 1-2. and closud at I21.S7 1 i usi.iu ....i-
aliovu the last talet yesterday. Hupleinlwr de-
livwrlui told on llrst call at Ml.W and the last
tales were at 121. S forty-two aud a half ouula
advance tlnce last night.
"It was the boast of the Americans as Mr.
Consul Murray wiole In lh.1L iht iU u.iii
come when thu Untied States would fetd Eu.
rope but In those days Australia wta not
tlijughlof. Al present the Americans have a
large population of their own lo tuml and tl...
number of theep and cattlo is little moro
ttall tluil of inhalilliiuta. In Australia
ou the. other hand oauh lnbabliant
be said to possest twenty-three sheep and
three COM. Under such ulrcnmRluni-.. It..
tralia prnintaua to become the principal mar-
ket of supplying Europe with meat. Tho great
dlllleiilty of conveyance Is overcome.sluce a sev-onty-horae
engine is able to maintain a tempera-
mrooi si- ouiow zero in a cnamncr callable or
hulding 10000 froiien sheep or 260 Ions of dead
meat from New Zculaud to HohiIlimi.o
There aie of course certain countries In Europe
mn ou nontu jeurs nave a surplus or meal
for exportation aa. In fact there are nt
only four that have a dellclt. Hut It la to be eli-
servud I hat the column blion of meat per iuhatil-
unii is tut retiaiiig in an countries owing to tho
higher wagea tliat inaiiiifacturiiiv ftninstr nu
lutrodiiiH.'d among the masses. This explains
the declining number of cattlo (especially In
France); whllo thu IncrciisSj of nomilathm
every year reduce the ratio of cows
aim tneep per million Inhabitants.
Kiiropo paid hilt vear icvrsnusi
sterling for uient from beyond the seas aud av.
(ski.ihh) for grain together usual to a lax of in-
oiki.OOO sterling per month This mnv ilvu
some idea of the magnitude tho question of food
supply has assumed in the destinies of this quar-
ter of lhe;globe. In tho United Klukdom tho
lieiiortatlun of meat Including cattle has ilsen
as follows;
1W0. 1870. 1SS0.
Tom tl210' Ul.ViS rvvi.soo
alite jss-t.StlU.iKK) 77OS0tO X2fl(H2liO
I'er luhabl't 7lbt lolha lelbs
"Thu consumption of meat in the United
ainudoin is lnucli lareur than In unv nnrl
of Kurope. In fact our home-grown supply is
unicii-ut to give us as much as the average for
Frenchmen or Uuruiana. aa shown In thu follow.
uig wiuiu
Meat produce or 3
liihabllnut lbs. g
. ii 19 fi no loo
. SI 12 Ml 7
. 10 11 1 M M
. H 12 7 40 17
. Sri 10 11 .7 M
.IK 4 3 20 18
. 10. 17 14 Nl S
. -51 IS 6 f2 48
. M I 8 41 74
. 00 17 17 124' 7"
. Ml 10 70 70
. IS 11 11 M HI
. Il l 12 H U
I'ulM Kingdom
r ranee.
Spain ami Portugal....
weden and Norway
In the above table minion Includes moreover.
goat s Hush. The slaughter is assumed lo be 21
per cent or Honied cattle is per cent or theep
and goals 07 per cent of pigs tho diil'ereiiee of
welgul of carcasses being allowed In various
countries. It Is needless lo trouble the reader
with the number of each kind of cattle which
may be found In tho parliamentary abstract.
This who'e question of meat supply is one of
such Interest to Fmnpcsu nations but more par-
ticularly to Ureal Hrliaiu that It needs uo apol-
ogy on our part forgiving ll such prominence
when; people's atlciitiou teem rather turaed to
political mutters.
Thr receipts of rattle Wave fallen off In tho
hut Week mid butchers are only enabled to se-
cure what are required for hom*o consumption
mill Ihu dcmiinds fiom thu towns mid country
surrounding. Million sheep are ollcrcd freely
while venl cnlvs s and spring lambs aro coming
lu slowly. Hogs are plentiful for nil require-
ments. Prices of cattle are very llrm and fat
smooth Ih'cvcs will uo doubt bring a fraction
over quotations Thcro It a good demand for
horses mules aud ponies.
Bkkf Catti.i Corn-fed none.
Haiikim cows Fat 2ltw2V oenta
Biiici'tNO Htt3 Pent.
Btcck 1'cr head Ivsf 118.
Mii.cii Cjiws With calves tlKi-iO.
HraiMiins l'cr head (tOibM.
linos toru-fed Dwelt a uu; Umlier fat MMi
stock 2H(S'J.
HitKii! Mutton cents; stock por head
lloiisks Extra flue pprpaiil"-Oi(Afr''yv. fancy
huruess lVKif'Ath hvery harness 7A(ui176;
funn.S.sJ.adiS: lHiutes. l..iWI.
aui.x Kxtiauoaiy iii&.nuj modturn s))
fun small WtoatNs
The lirover's Journal publishes tho follow lnu
italcmciil of Ihe Cnicago receipts of Texas cat-
tlo llius far this year as compared with the cor-
responding ilmo last year up to Iho west end-
July I.e.
i ex a csi'.ic received season lwi 1IV780
Texas cattle received seaiou issl S..Ths)
Increase over 1SSI 77lk
Arrivals ilurliie the month of Mnndi. Iksj iisi
head; month of April '.'..IVAiilniilh of May. 2s..iyH
month of J line .'w.'.'sn mouth of J illy up to dale
2ii4ui Arrivals during the month of Mnv Ksl.
Usui; month of June 12..W; mouth of July to
the IMh 2MSI0. II will be seen that current re-
eulpts and the aggregate receipts this year aro
very iiiueu Heavier imiu last in oniiuary years
llio Texns season Is not fairly Inaugurated until
July and this year ll will be seeii icccinta item
b.lH during June against 12'ou during thu (Sir
rcsnnmiiug moiilii last year.
rur-wesi cattle says llio nrovcr Jotirnn'
"are bcglnlng to come in a tcatlcrlng w av. and
very shortly they will bo coming regularly
uiakluguna largo pniixirtlnn of tho ilallv rv.
celpts. Present prices are as follows: Wintered
'fetalis tl.VI b) ti (n train of 410 southern
through Tenuis 1021 lbs. sold nit Monday at
Aim but we have received no such cattle from
mo norm yet. aud oaitlde quotations arc there-
fore uncertain!; half-breeds 1.2 to o.fxA and
Aiusricaut 4 75 to Ht for imslliini hicitrii fat
SUH'k. Al vel there have Imhmi mi r-iillv uo.i.1
oondllloited wintered lelans from Ihe north
west aud ranchmen who havo tent In ttis-k
have aiqienred to la a little nervous as It were
and afraid that presto! high prlcet mlgh lie loo
good lo keep.' H Is rather a sorry spectacle to
too to in)-lh through Texans telling al eto
l" 21 and heavier wintered cattle going al ll IA
to 14 7.1 al (he saint lime hut such has been awn
here during the past few days. Alaive all Ihlngt
Il ls now necessary to keep Ihe market return.-
ably free from lll-condltloiird alva k as buyers
arv Just In the mood to make the beat kind of
uaeoi aiiyiiuug like a glut In tiiaplle. They
pay current rates much moro rcWiautly lor
thin low-grade slock than unod. well.raiiciil
Cattle ami will cerlaluly lose no optiorliiiilly to
umia ins innraei on luw-graiic ratlie. lirast la
giHsl ami cattle should be kept al hom*o until tu
reasonable market cuudiUou.
Nativ. fruits havo been moro abnmlanl hero
this sprliig than for many year past and large
quantities have been shipped north. Hatianat
and otauges are out of the market and lemons
have advanced considerably during the past few
daye with a prntpvet of going higher. Nuts are
generally plentiful at former prhsra. The ahlp.
plug demand for lemons and lilitsisjiilllniet lair.
TO-tlAT't opotations.
Raisiks Loudon layer now per lex It 00
i?vr f4 es
(IntiN Acrtrs Hew prboxr.V57V).
CCRSAMTa mm ma
I'tAOHtw-a to toe ta'f box ml 7!o lo LWprr
CAi.iroasnt Fit Nont on Ihe market
USASota Valencia none In market.
l.tnoHs Ivr l.s flclly .w. Mestlua fNVffl.
Nt'Ta Almonds 2k' per pound; Prairtl IC412!
Albert Iff N spies waluiit. l.Vi lb.: chettnul
liiiisirVnl .none on the market; peauutt. Ten-
note rssl loo; oboloa while (or orxoauut.
f uv sir lit).
Pat In frail Ac par lb.
I'tcsna lfto. ta-r lb.
Fies Kegs. layer 16 to l?rj per pound.
OtArts Concord and California aj tsar lb.
l'l.CMi-New pn-hox
rui Arrutt-Nun m irkt
Ko bra si or of business give betted evidence
or the volume of trade of a city than does that
of groceries. Dallas merchant make their se-
lections of coffees from cargos arriving lust at
do those engaged lu business lu seaport cities.
They buy their ugani aud syrups from Bret
hands aud from the refineries and whole trains
are oflcu loaded for one or theother boluses here
Shipping so largely they are enabled to get bet-
ter rales of freight and consequently ll fa lo the
advantage and a saving to country merchants
in all north Texas lo make their purchases lu
this line In Dallas. This cau easily be ascer-
tained by comparing prices in Dallas w Ith those
of any other city In tho south or west. Tho
yuoiailons below are corrected dally aud will be
fouud reliable.
Our quotations are corrected dally.
to-dat's quotatioks.
CorrgR Rio common UK(0l2c; falr12KlSo
choice IS UaVUsi; Laguyra 14 to 16; Java 20.
"At Imperial 60ie; Youug Hyson 40SO
Oolong 4itoti; Japau OOwofaj
Huoars We quote: Fowdered HXej crashed
U; granulated UX: suudard A 1 11: Louisl-
ana while cUritied 11; yellow clarified 10 to
10V; choice Louitiauaou prime euDOH'a
Molassas Louisiau choim. Itx prime 70c;
fair to giaxl (to to 7uc; com tyrup CO to HXa sugar
syrup 61 to M.
Roi x1 lie basis.
fwsiT Fotators 2.M per bushel
kiCH Wholesale 8 to 8).
Bin-In UiteLIu 60; Llveipool in eackt 1175
4s 1 sa
OmoRa EsL iui hurul u .Jln. aisnin
Cabiiao 5 ccuU per pound.
Potato New per bushel C0(5 70c.
Cahbawr Per doicn 1.5oil.7i
Tomatoxs Per bushel 5oc.
Oracxus rlodi. X. KiAsk- tt nec tir
9(49; erears li; ginger snaps UK.
boA.p--tlle it per box; luuo ludia X bl
bars n 7ft per box; lb. bars U :b par box; lbl
bars. S2 7.S nsr hoi Hun t. u.... ti us nw
0loue D3 75.
UAgit 7 to 7Kc per pound.
OANPijM-titar full weight 1BX to It.
CHxtatv-W. K. 12 to 12 1-2; fuU crcaan 15.
DotiiKT ard Orith tc K per barrel.
Dkiko Arri.xs Titjttts.
HailD PtACUES rjuiHYnlud kJ- 11n
per nouud.
Ficxiju-in mij per barrel; half barre
17; nrm.
Coal Oil no deg. Are leek In barrel. 17;
lu esses f2 00.
lv a Concentrated 2 7f4
Cwthes I'ma-kound ef-; ipring tl per box
Hasuil-x bushel. Iron Wnd U 60 W.
doii; iwo-hoop pall 2 10: Ihioe-hoop 2 25.
1 PKH--Three nest t 2n(vf.2 Sh; eight mst ti 25
doMii. Plr M" " 75' N0 ' 75 por
m?. ?utKV:?lyio(KX' 91 1 Mi New
BTS w rntlfyi jtl
Wxll Ruckxts-M 00(84 25
.. .""-"."r: 9!) l1vr keK of pounds; 12Xdo
H S; Si doll 00; blssUng kegs 4 UO.
2 5IOTI)rol' W 10 to 2 15; tuck fi 85 to
.MCKltK'"'-Ko 1 Rrro1". M 7; half barrel
! -lncla h Us luUf.barreK
II 76; kits sue; No. -baireb 7 6U; half-bar-rels
H 75; kit. 70c.
yKDY-mick w to 14o a pound. Fancy Uo.
Missouri Cidkr 25S0c per gallon.
Vinbuar Per gallon lsxji20c.
Wraitino l'ArEu-llagtuid tlxaw 45c to 75c
Btaiicm iS6.So
v.jD?835!e "U0S 110 W gallon for Rlajod
(Jrocks 10c tier gallon for gliused.
FlACHRH 2 lbs. 12 lfi(ii)2 45; 8 lbs 8 4a
Torator-9 lbs II Noul 40; S lb 11 fifil 75
Hairr Kraut. B bis 12 00: half bbls tl on." i
CAUfORriiA t'ANNXn GoonB.-1'eacliCB 2 1-2 lbs
HiV Apricots 2-12 lbs. tH.Wr Blackberries 2 1-2
lbs 12.00; Orapes 2 1-2 lbs fc.80; pears 2-12 lbs.
IJ.10; tinges. 2 1-2 lbs. J-.'.OO; Peas2-12 lbs. fitJ
Plums 2 1-2 lbs. i0; Tomatoce 2 1-2 lbs. J2.7o
lixuxiiALORocxiiiKs. Smla Bicarb 4 totl-lc.
pur pound; Hal Soda 2 8-4 to 8 l-4c. per itoiuul:
(iinger race lU:per lb; Nutmeg t)5c to 11.10 per
pound; Hall PoUwh fa. la) to Jit.fsJ per casc.T'olted
Ham 1-4's 8 1.60 per dot; Potted llain l-s 2.26
jo per case Sniitl Ralph's 1-2
n. n.oo per cross; uuves American qta
6.2a per dot. Olive Oil pts 7.75 per do?.
Musi i rooms. f2.75 per gross; Condensed Milk
lv75 tol'.i.imjierciise; Jelly wine glass Wie. per
do.; tumbler (1.25 per dozen; crown t.'M per
do.en 1 lb. cans H.15 por dozen; 2 Ib. cans' fj r.5
per dozen; Extracis lemon r.'s:. per dozeu- l'x-
racls assorted wfav -r dozen; Cloves (whole)
45c to 50c. per lb.; Cream Tartar Commercial
25 . per lb.; Illtcklng (small) 3iai. pur lb.; Black
lug. (large) 56c. Per lu.
ll ll now fully ascertained that tho Cuban
ugar crep thit year reaches over fi'io.o-iO tons
and more than uuo-half remains in store owiug
to the weak tone of loreigu uinrkcta.
The tng.rerop Is finished lu the lurlsillcllou
pf Hiigna Cuba. The production Is Iiki.oOu hogs
heads 'ihe stock of sugar the 15th Instant
amounted to J8;i hogsheads. Tho stock of
ceiitrlfiigul sugar at Cardenas tho 16th Instant
wot 1HM4 hogsheads.
As predicted by us In a previous report of the
dry gi m!s market business amongst our Jobbers
has Improved lo a considerable extent Their
'drummers" are sending in nice order from the
trade at a distance while the near-by customer
mute frequent visits to the city to "1)11 npstock."
Our Jobbers while not In possession of lull
sUK'ks of fall goods nre showing an excellent
line of samples lu diircrent lines of goods and
oine of them have already taken largo orders
toin delivered in August or the tlrst purl of Sep-
llelow wo give quotations of Iho lending lines
or staple dry goods In which will be noticed but
row changes from our last list prices being gei.
orally very tlrin but with no decided change:
PrTNT Prtsifnail'SL A- 1 .wll r.. 1
: Harmony 5; ivx lm-o ';: Mcrrimac 6
Greenwich 6s(; Allen (I; Allilon tolld 5V; I'esv
boily Milld 6S: lWlaidy black tt.; tlmiiBon
oiai S; nimpson mouruuig 6.V; liloututlur
II watt Bkowr Mniftsrirt Aiiunau 1.1 iv.
Indian H.l K- nwift Crw k. 4-4. BV: Atna!
4-4 H; Ldgefield 4-4 7.V; Cslail 4-4 7
Derbr. .1-4. 5V: Ulcndaln. a. A ai.. Kui. h...
8-t Si; CharwrOak 4-4 4V; Lake Ueorge
4-4. 7sjj Great Wtttorn 4-4 8; Dttonialioual
t-s. oti
Fint Brown DmitsTiP-I.tke Oco 71;
Harvest M; l"oclioiits 9; Ureal Falls 7k
fecrless. 8-4 6 1'ltuii lalamL it Atlantliv sk.-
OnH-ubrlcr 8.
hLXAcnxn DoMtsTtcs ftorlnl. If Bunny
Bide s; Hoiiiusjvlllo 7S; Foa-st 8; Big Bon.
lira 7-c (Ik; Auburn 8H; lxuisdnlc. Pi
Loiiadale camtirln 13; W l'J; New York
kills. IS: Dlsmnud IHU. cambriiv 9: Kuliilii
oainbrlu ; HeniL 4-4 ; Hens 7-K K; BaTlard.
vans v lAinnrhigo 7- 7: Fia-rlet. 8-4. 6H.
Ducat Arkwrluht IA: itlirlrk. k.oi l HmrV
l-o12S: Ptark. hkit17: Favage8-oxlji; Damp
deu. hmwnsiiddrali OO le; ilamdcn XX do 14;
nuu lu-iic umwii aiiaoriiu iit; ttoniaux 40
Inch. Ho. 8 40- lueh. 42; No. 8 62 lueh.
57 Si; (told Medal Blue 14S; Lion browu ami
drab 18. .
Pi.aiuOsnascro Delta. 7V; Fconomv 12i
Otww. 8ki; Michigan bt; BoUo 7; Wood-
TICKIHU-Auiottoag ACA lrlk Ilmlllnn IA
Holywood pltld 14; Htaudard Z 10; liasluu B
lk tOmega 16 14.
I'oTToNKAtiR New York Camlet 17c; Bay City
16lc; Royal 14c; Oxineail lie; Kansas. Llkjc
llll'RORV Ris k River. 6.3: IIIom anil llnorn
8tc; India Uili: Arlington i.a: Thorudike.
12Hc; Hamilton IX
The latest from New York state that buycrt
are present In a very large force and though
oonildereblo atlenllon haa been extended the
sulci have not been of like prtqxirtlnnt
Through many modern selections also deliv-
eries ou previous order the volume of tales
has been large. F I ports of dometllc cottons
124 packtget. Fricit on prluls havo Won
made as follows: Lancaster fancies ra- Rich
mond fancies and robes OHt" furtiltunn 7c: alb-
ley plaid osiiabnrgi adviinwd to8k net There
hat breu a moderate biitlucsa lu line brown col-
totit bleached shlrtliigs prlnit ttanlo dreas
KOOIIP. llaiinels. tilaiiki'ta 1Iii.Im.ivb J ri....
plaldt bul much larger Inquiry liat bwn given
wllhtho pisiilblllllei of ltnpioved builncti of
i un l nrancn or business in which Dallat
sa tnpplyliig market for smaller towns and
vines ic-iiiicii! iiKiua i exss market for whole.
. niiuoiii unjiisi assertion
claim to l! the ln-sl and most III ral toward her
... V . """" laravnntii 111 any other
. ...... noia are ss nil
and varied and ns roimI as can bo found In the
. .... .... ....-.. vuu'mn uie (Aiuuirv. jiailas
siipiilles a larger territory than any oilier mar-
ket In the toiilliwett and prices will bear Ilia
cloeistwiuparltoii with Uiu-tj prevailing clsv
WAUOX WOOO WORK suppiict nearly all north Texai with
wou wnsMl work and lb islet In (lilt line art
ItlstdV and rsmMlulona lirlnA. . r..o .
"- .ii.hihiuuuhk
elWVlJn'nv0' luch' XJX
HAWtsV ttALOhtj. AM 14
i':t uo. r-nniines American; ty.oo per case; har.
dines French 13.75per case; rjiiuii; Uunell's
6 oi.fl2 76 to fl3.00 per ciuc; Kmiil.llulpha o ox
11226: to f 12.60 tier cate:Hniiir.liarnii'H 1 n. j 'J
Th shipment of drag froin this etty coottnn
Increasing daily until now nearly all north
I.S.1" '"PPhed from Dallas. Dealer her
! "l'cemeuu ;u the way of low prces
that all country merchants who handle drugs
look for no other uuukel Special attention is
dtily 10 uolaUou below which am revited
TfS.nsv'B Aiminv.
Acid sulphuric per lb
Acid citric per lb '
Acid oxalic per lb
Aciil larurlc jiowdered per ib!!!!
Ammonia citrb lajr lb
Aliuu per lb
Arrowroot per lb ;!....'
Balsam copaiba tier lb
Borax refined per 11 "'.
Calomel Am. por lb
Castor oil per gaj
Cassia buds per lb
Creiuu uirur pure per lb. .!!'.'""
CirnuiivA ul.i..u... ..... -
fl 25 to 1 50
7.1 ..r.W vvg tu. ......
Chloroform per ib
txuaci logwood bulk per lb
(llvC'l-illl. hllllr Tr 11.
50 to is)
W 60
a 60
SS 76
.(3 00 to 8 76
8 75
8 60
8 60
1 75
ti 00
. $2 00 lo 2 25
tl 70
..1 OOtollO
10 to 11
tl 75
(liun arable eeloct per lb
Oimi assafietitla per lb
Oum camphor per lb
Gllin nniiitn nupll.
iodine per 'ih. ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!
Reaves oucnu snort per lb
"""i aeiiiia. Aiex. tier lb
Mnriihiu nli.l ...
Oil bergamot per lb......'.'.'.''.
vtt teuion jier id
Oil nennorv.titil U.1K
Oil wintergreen per lb'.'.!'.'.'.'.
"ii ouvw juaiso per gal. ...
Fotass bromide per lb
PotOMS. llMliil. ru.v 11.
Quinia sulph. per ot.'!!!!!!!!
ouiiu quiuiuia jer ot
Huloh. rmii'lifuoillM n...
Seeds canary per ib .'.'
.-uup casino mottled per lb.
I'onp ciuiUlc white per lb....
Hllirllj! Ililr.. Bu-.u.l IK
Miychiutt crystols
inpiia a per 10
Wax. white per lb
No brancit of bnsincsslti this city Is Incrert?.
lug more rapidly than is that of hardware. Bales
aro at all times good If not heavy and lor tome
time past they havo been particularly po for
building purposes. Thcru can bo no doubt that
prices in this i lly nre below a purity with other
wholesale points lu thu south and west and no
country merchant In north TexasVan buv goods
ion.- in un; oi me larger cities and land
liem at their houses nt as lii-ht i.voonki. mi nt
aa little cost as from Dullas.
Axes Callins' per dozen. 9.50; Gold Dollar
er dozen n.ts); Diamond K.lga pur doxeu
0.25: Double lliL 'ill isl.
Shovel and Biiades Rowland' s discount SO
pur cent ; Ames' list steel goods discount 40 and
10 per cent
hiiniier belting Discount 50 per oent
Nails 4.25 rate.
Horbe shoes 5.75 per keg.
Horse nails Knrthwosti'i-n Kn 7 a so. v a
5.25 per box.
Iron 4c rate
Steel plow 7c ; lay 7o; cast 1 per pound
bheutlrou 27 11 Go; galvanised discount 80
per cent.
SkilleU and lids 6c per pound ; sugar kettles
5c per pound.
naa irous 1 1-2C per pound .
Tacks in boxes loo papers 1.50 per box.
Grub hoes oer dozen. rutir.aii ninVs
per dozen D.00. ' r
siattocRs per doscn 11.00.
Scales Fairhanka. illaoomit OA o mi.
Howe dlsoounl25icr cent.
Tin plate-1. C luxli per box 8.00; L 0.. 14l
2ii per box 8.00 ; Fcnu' 14x20 isur box. 7.50-
KoriiA Otwti Ia. i sn '
Tinware nleoed. disoount 60 rr mi .
ttiimpcil dlsoount 40 per cell u ' '
oonier no. i joc; o. 1-2 and 1-2. 18c per
naiiuii metal io to 16c per pound.
Bar lead 7 l-'Jc per pound.
No. 1 duck horse collars 4. 25 per dozen.
Ilamcs two looo. 4.25 ner h
150 per dozen. 1
Hack bauds threo Inch 1.75 per dozen.
Clevlsea 9c nor nonnd.
Traiajchai nsC 1-2 2 4c per pair.
Tnn number of saddles of Dallas manufacture
nld 111 tllis eitv is in iVf.iii .-.l. .1.1.- ..r i
i i i-.vw.i ui wione
iiinde in any oilier c iv in iho k.oiI i.
known the trade In saddles in the cuitle disirlcis
is. larger thtiu In any other section of the whole
Minilry ami cattlemen and their cayployes al-
..v 'iii. unv mi uiosu oi ijiuias givie
aud.niake. All orthe manufacturers luivefotind it
llissarv' lj. liinriiuui tl...l. r... .1111....
-. '.."ivu luimuiM lor inruing
out work during llio lust year. Tho Bales uio
V. s . "l ous'nesa none nerc 111 leather
nd In saddlery and shoemakers' (hidings is co-
'X tCIIS Vy With till. U'lmln .....I
the terrtlor p 01 I in i....ut n...l ......1. n.i
as low in Dallas ns they are in 'Iho mobl favored
HOI..U nl 11...... .........
.......o w uv ia'iiiiu y
80L LiATiiu Oax Ko. 1 89(!f40; Ko. 2 S7 t
H in lock Best burTalotUiughter 8iv good 2
best Matomoras 20; Na 2 2h; gisxl damaged 24.
OAX HAkNKMH I.eriiEik.M. 1 vr.f s.-
mniiww iiu. 4
Hiciii)rK Prime ar: do Kood 83; do No. 8 50o
F HUNCH CAI.tsiUlM-Al Of. t.. 1 4K
quality. uKW
Pit I LA nKT.PITT A A 1 fj IT r m Vn. 1 01 m 1 nt.
do No. il M to 110. -
1'iiiunxi.riiiA Kits No. 1 85o to $1 00 ac-
cording Ui weight.
niiLi.r PKINB-Topplng XXXX per dor $10 00
LiuluKU whllo XXXX. a no; RusstUs 6 lo 8.
Tf tlntinv IM.T nf il.a . . S .1
ami the belter brands of goods aro In ncllve re-
l""s c-iiioiiienia ntive lavii Heavier llinii at
any former period lu tho history of tho trade of
Dullas. Tho Irinlo lo ll.U 11 lc nc.....i..n
large proiKirtloiis and extends to nearly every
county In the statu. The low prices ill which all
grades of liquors arc held hero renders this ouo
of the best markets in the stele.
Aicoiioi-.' 60 per raj. as per high wine.
V. itlHkT k.Hllri.1 k I li..i a. .. . ...
: - m iv m irvt iitmii
tiiur mesh one yissr old. 11 60; two jenr old
ti use.f 2 25; three yir old 12 6owfcj 75; fancy
extra ehlwhlt ky t'A a por ago.
Win em cmnt. In iHwe't;(tii per qtialltr; fa-
Irtwba iH-rgaLlKicdM 60; Fort tl 2(.'ti8; bhcJry
thiruHl tl Al.l..lra .......1 S l ...... M. ...v 1 !
wine ill caws $4 (Wirtltt
CiiAHPAONB-Julcs Hum A Co. f!riC2;V Held-
lick lu Iwsket tXneJH; Rrug. Lu bakot t26ssiV8
vw.mi li.uiiiii4:iiu tol'ilt
Ai.-!tia! AUs mr dot ti OtXcia 25: Portor
per dot ti ISIJV2 25.
llOYTI.V Klfku Jit Imilini'.. tr. K..
--- ..... 'ious9!J I'd
HudweUer own alto 812 50; plum U4 0f 1.
llilltrer lavr. onnrta. gis- nloia km
i i ..... .. ' i imi".
I1UU 1 lUIOll ll O'. i
Tntii (a al 111 a ri. 1....1......
11 . .1 . " """ii""" "one nere in
Wool lint the season lina bI.i..a.1 ... .1....
the greater mianilivoi beiier imiia i0.ii...o
edof. and w hat Is Iclt Is generally of a coarser
llttlllllV. II IB urn . n.ll.... .1
;' f ... h. V u-iiiiiitu nun green
bring lull quotations and arc readily taken. Dry
...... vl lm ulg rmjipi neavy.
Iho folJowlUB are
Kr.ntHr ? '-'te; medium spring
per lb 21 toffic; Mexican linprovvd inir lb 12
to lOc.ibntrv of all grade. 2 Ui 8c. off.
II Msm -lirv niul H..I....I i
ll11!'! '." k.' UV: rtry "" hiav l'o
butcher' & 12 ui'dc; U damaged. wWordry!
halfprliv. Hevrtkltia 20 to ifcluj tlu-epskJns. ii
to rail'; ahcarllngs 5 lo lie.
J"?-" io i-' per ponnd a per color.
Tallow In barrels y in cake6c per pound.
l'OULlKY UllTTl'04 AMU K4M1S.
.iiv. n!": nnw ru it not
glutud wllh these artlclea. l-onltri'.nilslUK Is
lielug develoiH'd elleiislvlvln il.n .;i.t.. ..i
the country liiinicdliiudy tributary lotho city.
1 1 he demand It good aud pricea havonol nuv
nirlally changyif Iho past week or len davs
There . It a lirst-clas deliiaiullno- marln.t f
rresh cholne country butter (lilt edge quality
le tint allowed to ro.poud lo the call for cxpor-
Ulloiu '
CrniriKrMe Vte quotu at U Ot mi doeut nr.
key eoj;7.Vi.
Aees 1'a- r doacn
f.viTK Xmnerii. 2r8nr Tex 154(si
Dai.i a I fast bocomlng Vnown throughout
north Texas aa one of Ihn chenpeot and best
qufcuswar market In lb country. Dealers
here import their own gisslt m Iwlul with care
nno on mil ill etniiii vriluw Sllliatlie Itl every
way for I his trade. The ahiiineut to the coun-
try are rapidly Increasing and eclt tuccodln
week show au tmuroveuiaul tn . i..
one preceding tt
Aatnrted crate. t40 to 175
Tumbler 85c to 11.00
Stoneware pet lu gallon 110.00
Amp-ll . -. IU; ii U U JWto U.S. I U
. CO'NiV'rr!rrTnTkTe.
BU-auiera lor hey West and New Yorfal
oiu 1.010 ou-aiuers ror ftew
cdaCorpu. Chrittl Brownsvmeif'
At ARCOLA with Iioi..
Columbia and towns tn Brazoria co'imS
At ROSENBERG with G B is i
Ihuuset Route) lox Ikilumbus Vtim;'D'
Urul I I im U... ..... ..1. . Vmtr. fin
' "OUH bl
try' SisV : Orieani Tnd al 'Si S N
icast North and East; wllh iT. W
Mexican R'y lorVharCvtaS
- - -- --- ... . iur
aud stations on that linn
At xm.I H All Wltn H. A T. C .. .
At MILANQ with I. A G. N. Ry. forH(1Rl
nl;a"i nwauaie nouua Kock lTJ:
town AusUu San Marco. Ke.w stSt
bau Antonio and! ""Wti
At TEMPLE with Missouri Pacific hJ
At MORGAN with Texas Central 8. k
Waco. Ross Hico IreduO S & ?
nnilita on thai lino v'"" " I
At CLEBURNE with the Chicago Ton
Mexican Ccutral R'v for Alvararln 5
Hill Dallas and the'Korth Ea" S-
At pnnT nrnDipu .us .
- n vtt.n mint missourl Plri'
and Texas & 1'nciilc R'ys for all !mw
those- lines; for El Paso Vta Fe E'
Cisco and the raclllc. Coast and for x..
City Bl. Louis Chicago New York
. Po nt North. .i iv.J Imt
!ee Jntt 5'm" Uolleu rcaddverthUli
MTFor full information address-
Gon'l Piirs. A n't
Houston & Texas Central fi
AND nmrainTimm
Tho only line nintilng.throuRh the centrum
ww fuiuuuo oi iue oiato ot TextA
Passenger Express Trail!
Daily Fast Freight Lina
Over the Entire Road.
Each way daily without change
Botwoen Galveston and Ban Antonio lit Ectrk
and Austin and between Galveston and StuIiiJI
connecting with line of Faltoe Can nek
wav between Bedtlla nnrl Rt 7i.
The SHORTEST LIKE between Tern I
Kansas City Hannibal and all point!
Kuril D U'.... I"
and its position and connections render It w
inujr uvmiuoic lor reiiuuiu aua comxori.
able travel between
In tho Unitod States and Canada
Denison and Missouri 1'acillc railway to Kun
L City Hannibal or 8t Louis or vit
Tho Texas A New Orleans AU-Kail Throt(l
iauxv via auusiou aua Jjew Ulle&UI
Via Uie laBt named route the dny ExpreulnlJ
Houslcn & Texas Central Ram
Mako direct connections in Houston and Set
Oilcans anil all points lu the sjouuieut
Northeast and East
IS IJ It O J 13.
ThrouRh tic-keis froni ortnany point In Gw
Hrhnin iii r'tiii...t. it......... -i- .v..
Iloiistmi & Texim Onfrnl Kallwii
And all rail to New York thcuce vit
North Herman Lloyd
White Slar Inman 8taU)
Mississippi A Dominion
HittUirdum fltol tlsllsn
.... oieauisinii.ii
ou sale at all Important stations ou the liat a
uns railway aud at
Cncro Vlctorlt
Marlon Scguin
I.a ftrunmv r!ilnmltit
Han Antonio
Bchulenburgi New Brtuixi
8uu Marcos
Hound Kock liockdale
Etc Eui.
Rnnnlol lnnnnnn. i . 4 I
-o - .uiu u wo tiaio.
. . iexaa rasseitfrer ARm
Kflr slnni.Snn ... ....... .. M
- ... ........ . w ritls ui Jiaai-nsw
freight routot etc apply in person of t
E. O. FLOOD Ticket Agent Dallm.
A.U. K. A. A.U.P.A
J. WALDO TrafrlriMaiisrtt.
with lu connccUoiu
Tho Direct Line
T. i.oriR cmr-AOO
and all point
North. at and Sontheatt.
Train loavo Dallas Station as followl
flOIMO 9km
No. 4 Express I.cavct Dallna 8
No. 20 Accommodation Leaves Dallal.U Ht1
. OOtNO WEST. . .
No. 1 Etptcsi arrtvesalKast Dallat l
Loaves Dallas 8 40
No. 0. Accomtnndaltnn T.navna llnllal. fi'Dt
Trains Not. audio will carry pttef
ui-i-vn i.ouKview ana ron vi orin.
1 roso. Fort iVorlli. DaILU l
St. Louis.
Without Ohangi
VriF ttiVAla n . i.ft.-..iu flnMSttl
i -v mil tiuviilisuvii - i
uum kiiu laws ppiy IO
Ticket Aaont Dallas. TtU
ft LllAiSlil.r.i
General i'ass Al
Alt'! (icn'l l'tst.Afl
H. M. I10X1K
(icneral Mantr
voui: CAPITA Ct
1 nvf1
cKs enioitntstn drain I'p.niueM
V ill ht's'Ks! rnlly pioiis-iod nar
. swilsU cttimsivntridinllueiitiiiinis'i!'
r tier aiiccst"il!ullv tel. il;'!.
Itmr t m ' l"-i. .
VfXlCiAl nnntweeun
id St uitoo for exl'li""
cliriilnr nd past ni"".Ji(i
I'tvlilMiila piildil;iriiuipii""S"l
months on tin fund fial
tlmiK. Adlrea n.KMNlVV
IILIIItllti m m .. 1 I AAtWV
i. nruii
STOCKS rilled. I. ""ZJ
js evnrv town. . Excellent IflS

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The Dallas Daily Herald. (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 203, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 22, 1882,newspaper, July 22, 1882; Dallas, Texas. ( June 11, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,;.

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.