The Charlotte News from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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1 irsomounembiamw Energy Crisis Spurs Mlni-Comeback o''': la OCZAWINIg A rAN ACVOcv6 AER I I INN A I' Alzeb I1 111111 01 I A ci-leeK A eigl --roLOAN icZ Energy Crisis Spurs Mini-Comeback DIZAtAiiNle A rANI ACZe-J6 1-keR s'll ci-leeK A eIRL-roto AN AOMIReR av orzAw 'mg A rAw HER cHEeK A elpsyroto AN AOMiReR Wave Of Future? Loveo Him SOT IF SHE TiVi 1 lZLEI7 I-IeP PANI INI I-4ER PlekT P-IANIO' IT MEANT TI-IAT 6I-Ie LOVED ANOTMEQ 274 4 -'t a 10 fti 1-: tte 411 i- lip a us vi :1 dt A -donow-ddimb SHE Loveo HIM SOT IF SHE TWIRLEP i4EP PAN! INI HER PleHT HAKic) IT MEANT TAAT 6HE LoVED ANOT14Er2 Long Mortuary Service all said essentially the a in thing: Their chapels are air conditioned and most churches are air conditioned So no one needs a fan But at least two funeral homes Alexander Funeral Home and Grier Funeral Service still carry on the cs SECTION TH LOCAL FRONT THE LOCAL FRONT Hand BY TOM BOONE News Staff Writer National Geographic Society which is forever sticking its inquisitive nose into the most unlikely places has now taken an interest in old-fashioned hand fans What the society has found is that hand fans may be coming back into vogue and it suggests that the energy shortage may he the main reason for their return Probably what attracted the society's imerest in the first place is the fact that the history of hand fans is long and full of cultural and social significance Once upon a time people everywhere waggled hand fans to stir up a little breeze on a hot still day And once upon a time a coquettish young lady KELLY Alexander Sr and A Eugene Crier said most requests for fans come from small rural churches that don't have air conditioning The churches in turn provide them at funerals meetings regular church services or revivals the funeral directors said "It serves as a kind of ad relief from the heat particularly in congregations and especially in rural areas hews Drawing by James Childress National Geographic Society does not provide overwhelming evidence to support its suggestion that hand fans may be making a comeback "I guess they'll be using them for a long time to come" 11 II Sholl Boaro CAG To Confer Chat 'PO Fat 360 eltiaviz NC 28201 Saturday they were in days gone by At least that is the case in Charlotte Four of six funeral homes contacted in Charlotte reported they have stepped offering Making -s -4 'c4 tTitt to 6 0-- I Iiiist ft t---extgii -04400: vk I I ei' ie" 1 4: I I 1: 4 ::1 i 1 vs: t-- 7 A IA -mk -L" 4 l--: t'4--'k' 1 1 e'-7iIr 'Fundamentalism Is For Me' 4-441 -7 Ar''''' As 0: 1iz4: --4 4 7 4: 4 :4 1 44- 4: w-9t-Iloi -611's I i ik N4 4 Ibk lk 31: sr -s I Al: 0 's '1( I tit 1: 1 :1 -I- 4 060--' 1: 1: ::1: 4: 4: 0 -g 2 :4:5 Asktoviwr77 :::4 3::6::::: 19:::51 110' If ::4 No date has been set for a meeting although it could come next week Nor did the board members actually promise to change their revised feeder plan submitted in March to the judge in favor of points contained in the CAG plan which stresses equalized busing for all students and sections of the city and the county By WARREN BARNARD News Staff Writer The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education informally agreed last night to meet with representatives of the Citizens Advisory Group to discuss possible compromises between their differing pupil assignment plans for the next school year The apparent softening of the board's previously hard line against the CAG Dian came after board member Julia Maulden and a University of North Carolina at Charlotte professor urged that the two groups reach some sort of compromise on the two plans now before federal Judge James McMillan After the meeting board chairman Villain Poe previously highly critical of the CAG proposal which he said might increase white flight from the public schools told reporters "From my standpoint if they could justify some of their conclusions then I'd be interested in a compromise" Fans: would do her romancing from behind the accordion folds of a fan BEHIND A FAN she could hide a blush or a smirk or who knows what I A beard may Nowadays though hand fans are hard to find The National Geographic researchers contend that funeral homes are in large part the one to thank for keeping hand fans alive and waving "Churches may be air conditioned" the society writes "but many churchgoers still cling to fans and uner a homes in a i faithful suppliers of thin cardboard models discreetly imprinted with their names" The fael is funeral homes are not the faithful suppliers 0 0 Merrill 'Fenny or John Whitcomb? Since I gather from your letter you are a high schooi student I would recommend Lewis' "Mere Christianity" or Jo Stotts ''Basic Christianity" It is interesting and frightening you should praise German National Socialism (Hitler's Nazis) and RUSSiall COMMIllS111 Testimonies of those who lived during the Nazi period of German history reveal it was a time of incredible cruelty terror and brutality One has only to read "The Diary of Anne Frank" or 1Villiam Shirer's "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" to see that this is so As for Russian Communism it is only necessary to twilit out that the Berlin Wall was built to keep people in not to keep people out I suggest that you read ally of Alexander Solzhenitsyn's torical novels What On earth is being taught in public school social studies classes these days? I have known liberalism and I have known fundamentalisM and I gladly choose fundamentalism Intellectually I have found it sufficient and satisfying I believe its answers to the basic questions of life are surer and sounder than those of liberalism Emotionally and spiritually I have found that fundamentalism gives strength and meaning to life in these chaotic and deteriorating (lays Only in it have I found a sure knoMedge of forgiveness and hope for heaven FOUND TIIE SOLID ROCK In Good Taste ADVOCATE FOR FACTUAL TV leaving the work to jos' a few and the public is becoming more -ind more aware of this Any coring teacher will confirm this point And if the caring teachers are force abdicate it is they not the unionized goof-offs who ill be hired by the private schools There is no doubt in anyone's mind who is tIUl on the scene that kids are being taught a lot less today than they vere five years ago We have had a good thing here in Charlotte Mecklenburg one of the greatest sys in Me South Where else kvith our training could we make this kind of money with a short day a short week a -hurt ear'' We have had thr pubhc four-square behind us which is the most essentia: the 'zoo(' things Let's not let unions mess it up ONE OF MANY Dear THE PlIANTONI: You asked ALL FOR TRUTH if he has ever used Is mind May I ask you if you have ever used yours? Our nodern culture is generally agnostic and evolutionary in its world view Ilave you unIhinkingly swallowed this philosophy hook line and sinker? Have you ever seriously considered orthodox Biblical Christianity as kin alternative I modern nihilistic philosuplly? Have you for example read any books by Francis Schaeffer 1 Gresham NI a en Henry NI Morris join Us Cot something on mind? Shire it with others by writing under a pen name to Personal (bat PO Box 360 The Charlotte News Charlotte NC 28201 Movie Was Done 4 ii i 1 ::::1:: i I 1' i' i4i kg) 1 jJL 0 A 0-Y 1111 (iir 11 ic4e 4 4 4 ior 4 tt 00 f'? 1 t0 El i 4 0 ''100 1 li 4 :1 7: i 'k' 1 i 1 i I 4 i 01 40 4 4 04 'Io 5 0 44 4 4 rt-a''''''' olo 1 It it fx- r2' 4 vertising" said Grier Said Alexander 'it's traditional that funeral homes give out fans Many elderly people like them At one time it was the only way people had to get 'Bondsmen See A Lot Of Things That Go On You More Or Less Close Your Eyes Or Get Your read Blowed Off' Cobb ease and Cobb absorbed the information still talking to the man behind bars The drunk was Cobb's first ease of NA hat was going to be a slow night Drug arrests usualty don't start rolling in until about 11 pm Cobb said and by that First a rest and then into the swim for 7-year-old Tin) McDonnell Tim son of Mr and Mrs Gerald McDonnell of Barden Rd is practicing at Sardis Swim Club for the Shrimp Team season The Sardis team made up of children under age 8 will begin competition fune 13 with the nine other teams in the Mecklenburg Swim League (News Staff Photos By Tom Franklin) June 1 1974 fans Some haven't had a fan around in years Representatives of the four funeral homes McEwen Funeral Home Hankins and Whittington Funeral Directors Harry Bryant Co Inc and A Splash about for the bondsma eh a rging p(ople vim yarn to get out of jail a percentage of I he bond that's been set tOr 01CM 15 per cent of bonds less than $500 10 per cent tor bonds more than $500 If they shAw up tor trial well and good the bondsman has made $15 $50 $100 or more If they don't show up and can't be found the bondsman must pay the entire bond tO the county It's his penaity for a bad ga hie But this man was a HOWcon-wr Cobb talked to him a few more minutes then hung "You don't take out public drunks" Cobb told a reporter who was spending a few hours on a Saturday night watching the 42-year-old bondsman work -We have a $15 (profit) minimum and bond for a public drunk is $25 If they could come up with $15 they could come up with $4 more and plead guilly" Nineteen dollars is the regular fine for paying off a public drunk charge and getting out of jail show that "most people feel that pastoral visits should occur only when personal or famly needs arise These include pyehological family ma Tito I and spiritual In a number of instances a trained member would be acceptable to visit instead of the pastor "THEY ONLY want me when they hurt" Rhoads said in an interview "So I don't reed have guilt feelalgs if I don't gc-" The survey checked on everyComiotted On Page 2R CoI I Continued On Page 188 Col 1 CAG leaders appeared delighted at the possibility ol li close deliherations with the board members Mrs Betsy Benneu CA( co-chairman a i "I'm pleased they're willing to sit down and talk with us We ould really welcome the chalice" The informal poll of the si board members present came ifter more than two hours of discussion about the two plans III which CAG's leaders and associate superintendent Edward Sanders a prime architect of the board's plan I reuen I I backed away from possible detailed criticism or debate on either plan's differenCeS FINALLY UNCC professor Donald Lueder speaking from the floor urged both sides to seek a compromise in the interest of the "real client" in volved ill the delay on settling on a plan for next fall I ids" "We've got to find some lit 11 anis in to get by our biases and ownership feelings on the different plans and work out a compromise" Lueder said been cooperation within the CAG on a plan and cooperation within the hoard on their plan" he said "Now it's time for the two bodies to cooperate with each other" Mrs Mau hien whose resignation from the board took effect at midnight last night quickly added that the two sides and the school staff ought to get logeth PE perhaps next week and "go through comparison fir comparison anti come up with some ompomise or amalgamation of the better parts" of the plans In response to Poe's question on their thoughts board members Carlton Watkins Sam AlcNinch Phillip Berry and Mrs Jane Scott said they would he whiling to meet with CAG Three other Boo( Spangler Jr and Thomas did not attend the open forum last night Earlier board attorney William Sturges told the hoard that he and Julius Chambers the plaintif Is' attorney in the I ong- standing desegregat Ifin suit against Ow loyal school Continued On Page 15B Pol 5 on them or outline anothiot approach prior to the end of the Ch lot e-Meck len burg school ctar on June IQ In any case Dr Jones said the administration now would be hard-pressed IQ make the aiisignments before that (Lite "We've (seimol administrators) got a long hard summer ahead of us" Dr ones said "There aren't many of us whip are going to get a vacation Continued 0 ni Pa go 1811 Col I Bondsman Has Ticket To Freedom ear A 'PA I IF (prtainly dont understand your letter regarding the movie 'Cry Rape" What (lid you see that was so upsetting? Did you hirget how to turn oil your TV? This movie didn't come on until pm At the very beginning ol the movie and at every commercial the station said something about the content and language possibly not being suitable for all members of the Smallyr children should have been in bed by 9:30 Junior high kids and a few years younger probably didn't see or hear anything they haven't seen or heard before in detective stories and movies shown during prime time or in the movie theaters I thought this movie was done in good taste and I learned shmething about what a voman goes through lien she's wtHing l() try to help the police catch a rapist Jfl admit the language didn't apnead to me hut I've heard the same in other movies Do pm let your children see any movie that isn't Disney pro duced? 6- 'c 1448 iPt I I 4 4 leIN 0' 4- 2rt i 4- 11' 11 a By NIARTIIA RAINEY News Staff Writer It was 5 o'ciock on Saturday afternoon and ALIN Cobh at in the office Of Stewart and Simpson Bonding Co fidgeting Vi'ith a pink telephone message pad Suddenly tht silence of the air conditioned room was boken by the shrill ring of a yellow phone In seconds Cobb had the receiver to his ear "Yes yes You're from Monroe?" said Cobb THERE was a barely audible voice on the other end talking fast "You say you're in on a public drunk charge'? What kind of bond they got you on? kVhat's your nani to start with?" As Cobb talked his hands flew through a nearby file of index cards It was a list of had risks people his bonding company had taken out Of jail tyliwe who later had failed to show up tor trial That had money iots of it forked ilut of the bondsmen's pockets and making the same mistake twice be bad business taking money what it's Union Bad For Teachers But despite the rule Cobb decided to go talk to the man "Most of those people le OM Ilnion County go to court he said "If he don't go I know Where I can go get him" COBB got in his light blue Ford LTD and whee I ed it across the street to the concrete parking lot underneath the Law Enforcement Center It was a short trip from his office at 114 Myers St lie walked into the Mecklenburg County Jail where 17 other bondsmen and one bondswoman make their living Cobb moved quickly through the jail lobby which was heavy with the smell of stale cigaret smoke He gave a passing nod to a secretary clad in blue jeans She pushed a button that opened a heavy door known as the bonding room Inside it looked like a miniature jail with bars in front of a cell about 10 feet long and six feet wide But jail cells don't have telephones and the bonding room does About 10 phones in various colors line one wall They are direct lines to Charlotte's bonding companies and can put a prisoner in touch with a bondsman and potential freedom seconds This lime when Cobb walked in three men stood behind the bars One of them moved quickly to the front of the cell when he saw Cobb His dirty hands clutched the bars He was wearing a rumpled T-shirt had a day-old beard and his trousers sagged below his waist to expose his white undershorts "I ain't no bum" he said don't go to jail very often If you get me out I wont do you no wrong" WIIILE the man was talking Cohb pulled a small radio) to his ear as a sharp beep lAent off It as his anwcrinZ service about Another bond Dear TEACHER: Niany of us felow Wick do fear that unionizing' is performinr4 a hysterectomy on 'lie z00se ihat lays the egq We must decide a prorNsion or (11v labir putting' in our hours Mdny our numbers are using integration as a goof-off excuse Marriage Is Heaven Dear SINGLE FOREVER: My husband and I have tr maimed 32 years this furor) YOU haVe to work at a Inn riage courship With low and thoughtfulness for each other toorriage can he a of heaen We have two wonderfin happily rnarred dren ttld one grandson Now we are on our second hone moon enjoying Ije ihn ATI Alter you if you rcatl Dr Herbert SpaaOP advice in The News and prae it MARRIED CMEVER Do People Want Pastor To Visit? Uncertainty's Making It Rough To Plan Jones Says time his eight-hour stint would be over Before his night was through he'd get two Imre men out of jail: One would be an 18-year-old buy arrested fur having improper auto Olson Continued On Page 18B Col 1 pi ement ed well-orga nized school year" Ills COMMENTS came alter last ni ght's School Board meeting during which the board and the Citizens Advisory Group agreed to discuss possible compromises between their two differng approaches to pupil assignment Both the hoards reviscd feeder plan and thc CAG's alternative proposal art beforc Judae James bill it appears unlikely he will rut( fly CATH PACKER News Staff Writer The weil-Mtcntioned minister witose home visit are as regular as clocklAork may be wasting his time and bothering his eengregation Accordmg to a emputer tirvey taken at Calvary Presbyterian Church church members want to see their mini only when they hurt" Dr Rhoa ds explained that thc results of a 150-question survey taken bv 300 neop4 who attended church one Sunday in March I3'y WARREN BARNARD News Staff Writer School Superintendent Dr Rolland Jones says he would accept a less than perfect school assignment plan so as to assure orderly planning for the opening of this fall's classes With no plan now adopted and one not likely for some time Dr said "It makes it awfully rough t'o "I'd rather go ahead vilth a plan vith reservations and tr'0 early so we could have a well Charlotte Singles Meet Thursday Dear Chat: The Charlotte Singles Club IU have its monthly open meeting Thursday at ihe Park Rd Cakteria Single widowed clivorced or legally separated perons between the ages of 21 rnd 15 are invited to attend The social and meeting will begai pm but dinner or the group will begin at 6:30 pm If you can't attend the vecing call 392 077 or wrde Sox 1302 chariotte 28212 1-r information and a schedule of doh acivales SINGLES CL113 gi 000a0001TPefNiatibttgMNAIPirtte2304rWMORWOrg 11111 -S----.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.