The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)


Board for elderly ssdlcs. CM. SIPS. NTJTT. K-t Jnhn D.

Funeral cmrv. CRAWFORD, TSet, Robert E. BELCHER, James Edward died AVARY Mr. Robert Lee, of 730 Piedmont N. died Marct 10 ices for Set.

John D. Nutt will be Beauty Aia (Bobber) Killed in Belgium Dec. 24, 1944. He is survived by his held this (Wednesday) afternoon at I PERMANENT WAVES THOMPSON, Mr. William A.

Funeral service for Mr. William A. Thompson, of Ben Hill, will be held Thursday morning at 11 o'clock from the chapel of Howard L. Carmichael Sons. Rev.

De- Tuesday at a privacc hospital. Surviving are two dai "h-ers, Mrs. Maud Waters, Trs. Estelle Cald-welL of Jacksonville, two Z2, ivw. are nis sons, Mr.

Robert Lee Avary, Mr. mother, Mrs. J. E. (Bell) Craw 2:30 from the chapel of Howard L.

HAIK shaping, shsmpoo. scsip dandruff tmtmmL hair tintine. bleach uarmicnaei ae sons, unapiain Stephen Archer Avary, both of At rom Peace ford; daughter," Gail Crawford; three aunts, Mrs. Maude Hairston, Rally Couch and Rev. Wayne Brook- ing, facials, packs, cold waves ana ei other beauty work at a school price.

lanta: niece. Miss Dagma Sams, sons, Mr. Clyde Belcher, of Kansas City. and Mr. Charles shear will officiate Interment Service by first-class students.

Best witt Reagan will officiate. Inter as Mrs. Mary Hobgood, Mrs. R. West View with military honors.

ment Magnolia Cemetery. Arrangements later by L. Belcher, of Atlanta. Funeral materials used. wave.

13 up. NO APPOINTMENTS NO WAITINt Decatur, several other nieces and nephews and two grandchildren. H. Patterson Son. Br THE ASSOCIATED PRESS J.

Austin Dillon Company. BOOTH, Mr. John Funeral services will be held Thursday at HARRELSON, Mr. Joel E. Fu- Artistic Beauty Institute The United States extended to Britain yesterday its ban services for Mr.

John O. Booth, Sr. ALTMAYER, Mrs. Sallie Flatau STEPHENS, Mr. F-died at a services for Mr.

Joel E. Har- Auburn Corner Peachtres) MMTB SYSTFM OP COT.T.E5S 2 clock from the chapel of Awtry Lowndes. Rev. M. L.

Marling will be held this (Wednesday) after relson will be conducted today on admitting certain aliens to attend an intellectuals' "world peace" rally in New York on Friday. The American Em- a 1 1 1 A. A REACHES BEAUTY CULTURE AND of Atlanta, died March 21, 1949. Surviving are her son, Mr. Magnus private sanitariums He is survived by one sister, Mrs.

Herbert noon at 4 o'clock from the Chapel officiating. Interment Greenwood (Wednesday) at Locust Grove Cemetery DAilDCIUAU SHORT COURSES QUALITY CI APPROVAL Baptist Church at 3 o'clock, Rev. t. Altmayer, grandson, Mr. of Howard L.

Carmichael Sons. TT -t-KSmm. u. wingate; three brothers, Messrs. WHITE.

Mrs. Emma The friends R. r. nri A ci E. B.

Awtry officiating. Interment Magnus S. Altmayer, great bassy in Lionaon aeniea visas 10 iout prominent onions. i The State Department contends! that the rally, the "Cultural andi. ut situation other than KH-ntifie Conrress for World'Koing to the huge expense of Interment West View.

Pallbearers will assemble at the chapel it Personals 11 granddaughter, Miss Sally Anne and relatives of Mrs. Emma White, Funeral arrangements will be an-i River View Cemetery. Pallbearers Altmayer, all of Miami; nephew, I Ellenwood, Mr. Coley White, nounced later by J. Austin Dillon' De Messrs.

J.W. Reid, S. L. ReicL Harris Martin. Prnnk Cnlsv'SS-o'clock.

Mr. Issac Flatau, niece, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Calloway and Company. RICH'S Danes were told, by their For man, G.

F. Jeff ares, R. Hause. I MTJLVEY, StL James died in West View Funeral Home, 4irec-J Belgium Jan. 3, 1945.

He is sur- Carol Joselove, Jacksonville. The grandchildren and three great- grAR-R rh. m1 cvnm Graveside services for Pvt. Peace" will be turned into a forum for Communist propaganda. This is denied by its sponsors, among them Prof.

Harlow Snap-ley, Harvard scientist. Shapley complained in New eign Minister, Gustav Rasmussen, that Denmark must choose between joining the North Atlantic Pact or "being left in isolation, wnere runerai services win i ieuu ue luuem ui ub. e- FX rISvJel-u hit. this fWednesdav) after- Thomas DScarbrough, will be tors. (Rowland, N.

papers vived by his widow; two sons, please copy.) iMessrs. William E. and James ORR-Friends and relatives of Mulvey; father, Mr. B. H.

Mulvey; SOUTH'S FINEST PIANO held this (Wednesday) afternoon 10:30 o'clock at the Freeman a cl REPAIR SHOP without any real means of de at 3 o'clock at the Panthersville Presbyterian Churchyard. Rev. York that U. S. officials have de Funeral Home, Rabbi J.

E. Marcu- SSgt William Howard Orr, Mr. brother, Mr. Roberts. Mulvey and and Mr Rmnti Mr orri sisters, Mrs.

-E. B. Thompson and ei. uaer n. u.

nasn win ouiciaie, Interment in Masters Cemetery, fense." Rasmussen asked Parlia- nied or revoked son officiating. Interment William Thai naHhoarers will be Mr. M. G. ceriram ana Rev.

John vour elans reconditioned bf Mrs. Sn(tr Mr Mr. Mrs. Roberta Misfeld. Funeral have visas for a dozen meni to auuonze tne uovernment Wolff Cemetery in Macon.

H. M. WORLD ooi i -J fr-t I factor trained exnerts. Complete re factory trained experts. Complete re f-aiwair Mr.

William M. Clark. Magee mu officiate. Howard L. Europeans andito ratiry tne treaty.

Patterson Son. 5. JOhnson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vlt" buildmg.

reXmishlng. tuning, yoicing, A. Orr Mr and Mrs Fred Orr day afternoon at 3 Clock at Tnn-I regulating. Call us for free estimate. Mr.

Bob J. White, Mr. Billy White. Carmicnael Sons- am m-- io rh-ini mtr initn iLTtoVtoii i uutsioe uiiuBi now acceniea. Mr.

William B. Krueger and Mr. THOMPSON. Mr. John E.

xn mt. js. a. orr are invited to attend tT W.A Mi V. UAV.hWU MlffcUU Tnpnn5 nnri rstlariv nf Mr jaVin 1 in Jimmy Patrick.

A. S. Turner St ii. rrC Vr "vliii iuc xuiieraioi oogl. wuuam JtlOW-i wuiuuivuie.

liiveiuicuiuiuecsMu AMherst 3545 EXT. 59 Cemetery. A. S. Turner Sons.l Sons.

rneT TT XT omn Americans. iUinl In addition to the four Britalns, he said three Frenchmen, four Italians and one Brazilian were barred. Seven Russian intellectuals are Ur- "ene earnes, ard Orr Wednesday at 11 a. m. at Miss Geneva Thompson.

Mr. and th Wan-on a r-r, Set. Huh Dof 117 12 3ERMAN, Mr. SamThe friends Mayors Hear Of Atom Peril, Reds' Bombs -Wr- and Church, Rev. J.

F. MitcheU and V01 Columbia Pr Decatur, died ctifttAlNs laundered. smith, tot ims. nuy iiiuuipsuu, ivir. ana mis.

Kev. Marvin C- Allen offipiatin ul wuij rryor a. ma. ziw. J.

E. McClure, Mr. and Mrs. I Interment Holbrooic CamnM-ound Interment Holbrook Campground JLeaVH I tor and Mrs. P.

G. Holcomb, Mr. Walter Thompson' Cemeterv with fTiii Parents, Mr. Mar-UL-j among 21 delegates from "Iron Curtain" countries who have been granted visas. A State Department official in anrt tVio n-HiHron in- Mr r-rlV Mar.

CURTAINS Laundere tin; brother, Mr. Gerald Mar-1 Mri- co*ker EE- 5766 ifin- hrnth.r Mr 0ra Mar. urs, jiui jj. Lrammace. ads s.

anr relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Herman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ber-man, Mr.

and Mrs. Hyman (K. Berman, Mr. and Mrs. Julian M.

Berman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Del-man, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Bergman, Mrs.

Gussie Berman and the grandchildren are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Sam Ber SHELTON The friends and relatives df Mrs. W. S. Shelton, Mr.

and Mrs. G. R. Waller, Mr. and Mrs.

W. E. Shelton, Jacksonville; Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.

Shelton, Willimantic, Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Byers, and the grandchildren are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. W.

S. (Lois) Shelton, Wednesday, March, 23, 1949, at 11:30 o'clock at Spring Hill. Dr. J. Callaway officiating.

Interment West View. The pallbearers will be; Mr. E. Littleton. Mr.

R. E. Norton, Mr. Guy Hitchco*ck, Mr. Robert Lavell, Mr.

John H. Dodson, Mr. J. M. Shelton, Mr.

T. A. Pace, Mr. L. Hays.

H. M. Patterson Son. tin, and sisters, Mrs. N.

IJtader- to attend the funeral of Mr, John' Main SL, East Point. milk and Miss Katherine Martin. I je Auuixjysuu iuis -i VYCuuesaayi WASHINGTON -m Amerl afternoon at 4 o'clock from the'FITTS, Set. Sam T-died in Bel-Funeral services will be conduct- cZST eachtre. sClSS ca's mayors were warned yester North Atlanta Baptist Church.8lun Dec.

28, 1944. Friends and ed Thursday afternoon at 3:30 from Gas Co. cy. 5353. Mrs.

Aruwsy. Rev. J. Arwood will Natives of Mr. and Mrs.

W. at Clear Springs Baptist Nurseries 15 Washington explained these were Also in This Story: Reds Send Phone Bill; German Trade Invited; Dane Asks Treaty Nod. man, Wednesday, March 23, 1949, day that Russia already may be making atom bombs, that atomic disaster may be sown in snow or Interment will be in Crestlawn'Fitts, Miss Beatrice Fitts. of Nel- Martha Brown Nursery at 2 o'clock at the chapel of oreen-berg Flinn. Rabri Varry H.

Ep Cemetery. Pallbearers selected son, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fitts. ficiate.

Interment In churchyard. Licensed. 126 DeKaib. t. day.

caT please meet at the church at 3:45 Little Rock, Mr. and Mrs. stein and Cantor Joseph Schwartz- ram, and that the only true de fense is a World "super govern ment A. s. Turner sons.

o'clock. J. Allen Couch Son. William Fitts, Atlanta, are invited man officiating. Interment, Green wood.

NELSON, Mr. Brisco (Ben)-The 1 T. Fitts McHUGH, Mr. William Franklin 224 1 Cleveland Ave. East PoinL Trans-Funeral services for Mr.

William I porta tlon can be arranged. CA. 8)T, A proposal that nations of the official delegates of their govern friends and relatives of Mr. Brisco today (Thursday), March 24, at 2:30 p. m- Bethesda Baptist COOK The friends and relatives LICENSED nursery boarding facilities) Franklin McHugh, of Madison, Ga (Ben) Nelson, Mr.

and Mrs. E. J. ments, while those who were denied visas were "unofficial" dele for mothers 628 Forrest Rd. AT.

133a. North Atlantic Alliance create a "Federal with- powers "over and above the national an11 Va Va14 frtitFTlnfj rnnFntri(f I Church. Interment, churchyard. Pruitt, Mrs. Lillie Heaton, Mr, of Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. Cook, Clark-ston; Mr. and Mrs.

J. T. Caldwell, Palmetto; Mrs. W. A.

Hogan, -Droperies 7 STEWART, Mr. O. J. The friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs.

O. J. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. James White, Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas M. Akins, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Stewart, Mr.

Oliver Stewart, Mr. Paul Stewart, Mr. Jack March 24 at First Baptist Church. Slip J-overa gates. Harris and m7.

Lewf ickeM County Post- American IITIS XSeiSOn, AIT. ana Mrs. LW- ffi mill. RntloHcro Cla at 11 nVWV i I DRAPES, slip covers, curtains, renewed. states' to control the atom was presented to the United States Stonewall, Mr.

and Mrs. S. E. is Nelson, Mr. ana Mrs.

Dave Mel- A'r eA ,7. "tri" iVZ. bankhead cueaners if. KTi tary honors. Rev.

W. S. Pruitt and survived by his wife, Mrs. Eval i9bs Bankhead Hiwav be. sua-asu Xf7 Mr Ma rim wSSS 1Z Harold PetUe Will Officiate.

McHugh; Children. P. C. MC- litems, draperies made you. Conference of Mayors by Dr.

Harold Urey, Nobel prize-winning Jones, Fairburn; Mr. H. Cook, Palmetto; Mr. N. Cook, East Point: Mr.

H. G. Cook, Fairburn; bte art, Mr. Carter Stewart, Mr. atomic chemist.

i invited to attend the funeral of 7,7" pl.rr... E. McHugh, Richland, SLIPCOVERS. DRAPERIES Mrs. and Mrs.

W. E. Stewart and the five grandchildren are invited to MRS. PATE. VE.

8945 Mr. Brisco (Ben) Nelson, this TURLEY. Mr. Ralnh Adolnhapel Six hundred city officials sat hushed as another atomic scientist Mr. T.

P. Cook, College Park; the nieces and nephews are invited to (Wednesday) afternoon at 2 25. of Smyrna, died in Washineton. J. A.

Crome, Bogart, Mrs. N. C. Brown, Mrs. Grant Johnson, Rutledge, Mrs.

R. 1 Parrish, BUSINESS SERVICE Prof. H. J. Muller, of Indiana Uni attend the funeral of Mr.

J. Cook Wednesday. March 23. 1949. Panama Citv.

Fla Mrs. W. H. The four Britains coming the ban are Miss Patricia an actress; Prof. J.

D. Bernal, scientist; J. G. Crowther, historian, and Louis Golding, novelist and essayist. The Germans in the Soviet sector of Berlin billed the United States for $7,000,000 in communications fees and the Americans sent the bill right back unpaid.

U. S. officials said the move obviously was inspired by the Russians and termed it a violation of agreements reached in 1945. The bill was for telephone and telegraph tolls between Berlin and the Western Zone since that time. at 11 o'clock at the Clarkston, 29 Sims and Mrs.

W. E. Nash, Business Service attend the funeral of Mr. O. J.

Stewart this (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock at Wesley Chapel Methodist Church. Rev. Wey-man Fields, Rev. Johnny Williams and Rev. W.

M. Mowell will officiate. Interment in churchyard. Lakewood Masonic Lodge will o'clock from the chapel. Rev.

hospital Mondav anernoon. B. Fuller will officiate. Interment Mr. Turley is survived by his wife, will be in Maloney Springs Mrs.

Laverne Morris Turley; Churchyard, Cobb County. Pail-, daughter, little Angela Turley; fa-bearers selected please meet at the ther, Mr. P. D. Turley, Smyrna; residence, 1 Elinor PL, N.

at two sisters, Mrs. Guy Dickerson. Methodist Church with the re Drotner, Mr. cnariie Mcnugn, Advertiiino Service mains placed in state at Iff o'clock. kAAfe- metrhM aTaHi4 mnt Crf Auania, ua.

mccu Aimana i dbCALS special lea Tuell. Healy Bldg. WA. 1607. Funeral Directors, Social Circle, 1:30.

J. Allen Couch Son. iMiiietta: Mis Ola Tuner four Rev. Charles Gray officiating. Interment West View.

The pallbearers will be: Mr. R. L. Rogers, Mr. Bed Renovofing Georgia.

have charge of grave services. WILKIE. Mr. J. IL Friends and $15 UP brothers, Mr.

Ernest Turley, Mr. Clyde Turley, Smyrna; Mr. P. W. Turley, Austell; Mr.

P. H. Turley, relatives of Mr. and Mrs. J.

H. rNNERSPRQtO MATTRESS made from The remains will be placed in state at the church at 2 o'clock. A. S. Turner Sons.

versity, reported that bombs are unnecessary in spreading atomic havoc. "Atomic materials may be scattered by planes or rockets, or spread in snow and rain," he said. "Vast areas may be hopelessly defiled." Muller said more deaths may result in later years than at the time of attack, and the heriditary results my debilitate whole populations for "hundreds, in fact thousands, of years after." Radiation, he said, may bring abortion, sterility, cancer, leukemia, and "general debility that shortens the life CLASSIFADS H. T. Collingsworth, Mr.

D. A. Herndon, Mr. A. E.

McKeithan, Mr. A. L. Day, Mr. V.

T. Ivie, Mr. Wilkie. Mr. and Mrs.

A. K. Wilkie, your old mattress. Modern factory methods. Prompt service.

IMPERIAL BEDDING CO. WA. BTtl Mr- and Mrs. Joseph H. WUKie, Ben HilL Funeral irvices will be held this (Wedned-y) morning at CHANCE, Mr.

Thomas Bedford E. Smith, Mr. J. L. Townsend.


M. Patterson Son. Alabama and Forsyth Streets, S. W. age 73, died Tuesday evening.

Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Mary A. DIG AND REPAIRING SB 6274 C30 WANT AO INFORMATION HELTON, Pfc. Emmit Died Ground.

F. u. Mr. ana BANKHEAD Minimum two lines 411 words! The Russians introduced an appeasem*nt note in the Berlin currency war. They invited Western' Berliners to visit the Soviet sector to spend their Soviet-issued East marks, which, have been outlawed by the Western Allies in Chance; two daughters, Hen In estimatbis space, figure five average I LET a convert your old mattress into 24, 1944, In France; survived by Mrs.

Charlie-Wilkie, Tate Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler. Cum- rnrria fnr rirct tlina and ais awasal an InnerSPrillg mattress. All WOTBI his lather and mother.

Mr. and words for each additional Una. I guaranteed One-day service. Empire) Th. nt anni all ulnrtibl Mattress MA 2068.

mine. Mr. and Mrs. G. S.

Mrs. Henry Helton, of Duluth, ry worthington, Kennesaw; Mrs. Floyd Davis, Marietta; three sons, Mr. Edgar Chance, Mr. Ben Chance, Kennesaw; Mr.

Burl ll ociock from Smyrna Second Baptist Church, Rev. Amos R. Chalker, Rev. R. O.

Lawler and Rev. R. i Lawler officiating. Interment will be in Dpniell family Gentlemen selected to serve as pallbearers will please meet at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.

W. L. Morris, 420 Roswell St- Smyrna, at 10:15 a. m. Albert Ing originating In the State of Georgia.

I ATLANTA'S LEADING RENOVATOR Wilkie. Canton. Mr. and Mrs, single insertion, sunoay per una 3Ci iweusmei Mattress r. nszts.

their Darts of the city. H. G. Wilkie. Mr.

E. F. Wilkie, span." The underwater explosion at Bi Single insertion, daily per line 40c I also one sister, Mrs. Irene Johnson, and three brothers, Messrs. Everett, W.

and Thomas Helton, all of Duluth, the grand Buildinq Contractors Chance, Rome; one sisier, Mrs, U. S. authorities said there was very little else the Soviet could Daily and Sunday rates: Three times consecutively EDDKriCODKrnKJKl Mrs. Ed Hester, Mrs. Viola San-dow, Mr.

and Mrs. S. D. Holcomb, Miss Myrtle Wilkie, Mrs. Georgia Lovelace, all of Ball Ground, R.

nenry; uartonneia, Danon; six brothers, Mr. William Chance. At parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.

W. lanta; Mr. Pink Chance, Mr. Avery Nunn of Buford. Mr.

J. H. per line per day Ste Seven Lmes consecutively per line per day Ste Thirty times consecutively per line per day Ste M. Dobbins, funeral directors, ITS HERE Metalation Insulation utiance, Mr. Virgil Chance.

Mr, marietta Helton, of Suwanee, are in LEGAL NOTICE. I have tiled application witk Police Committee, Fulton County. City of Atlanta, to sell packaged beer and wine at 1584 Piedmont Ave. J. BROTLE1 INSULATE your attic for half the price) vited together with the friends to attend the funeral of Pfc.

Emmit 10 Discount tor uatn CALL WALNUT 6565 ASK FOR AD TAKER CINDERS For Driveways and Sept is Tanks kini, Muller said, proved that water provides vastly greater spreading power that, therefore, sea coast cities are particularly vulnerable. Russia has the "scientific secret of atomic bombs," the mayors were told by Dr. David Bradley, atomic medical research specialist and author of the best-selling book "No Place To Hide," a report on the Bikini tests. Helton from the Warsaw Method SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY CARRIER MA. 1107 Jones Hardin wouia cost Tor any otner insuiauon.

Asbestos applied en th outside of your home with this metalation means your home will be well Insulated against heat and cold. Cost is the same aa ordinary felt. Call us for free estimate. Frank Chance, Mr. Glenn Chance, Dalton; 14 grandchildren, great-gra Funeral services will be held this (Wednesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock from Kennesaw Baptist Church, Rev.

A. A. Hunt and Rev. Roy Lawler offi ist Church today (Wednesday), 40c F. D.

Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Blue Ridge, are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. J. H.

Wilkie Wednesday, March 23. at 2 p. m. at Old Hightower Baptist Church. Interment, churchyard, Rev.

T. W. Tribble. Rev. John Lummus and Rev.

Sam Cochran officiating. Jones Funeral Home, Canton. Ga. 30c Daily and Sunday One Week Daily, only One Week Daily and Sunday One Month March 23, at 2:30 p. m.

Rev. V. $1.75 REVISED NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTIES. Seated bids for the leasing of JekyU Island will be received until 1:00 P. M.

April 1949, instead of April S. 1MB, as previously advertised. All dates and information to the contrary are hereby cancelled. B. B.

GEORGE. Supervisor of Purchases. Moore and Rev. Lamar Cherry will inn peach State Constructing HE. S184.

-i Daily only One Month Daily and Sunday Three Months S5.20I MASONRY officiate. Interment in the church stone, block cement work, S3.B0I foundations. dwavs LA 2S35. WA 848 Daily only Three Month 8 ciating. Interment in Kennesaw cemetery.

F. Summerour Funeral $10,401 BRICK. STONE, block, cement and car Anyone who can make a pile Home. Cemetery. Gentlemen selected to uany and Sunday sis Months Daily only Six Months Daily and Sunday One Year penter work, driveways.

HE. 7414-K. FLOWERS Per All Occasions Moderately Priced BIcARTlTOIl'S "Year Frlsaaly Ftark' tt HUNTER ST. W. it I BUILDING contractor cheaper prices: can make, he said.

"An industrialized Russia, aided $19.60 uauy oni; one Year serve as pallbearers will please meet at the residence on Pine Mountain Road at 1 p. m. Albert MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS New or repairs. Free estim. CR.

14r Building, General Repairs CONCRETE DRIVES STEPS WALKS-ETC. HE. 337 Atlanta Concrete Placinr Co. by captured German scientists, Acknowledgment Cards J. P.

STEVENS ENORAVINO CO. Engraved Promptly Sample Sent WAInut 70 110 Peachtree St. The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to use for publication aU may already be manufacturing HOME IMPROVEMENTS V-aaaW NOTICE TO ALL PLUMBING SUPPLY DEALERS. Sealed bida wiU be received by the Supervisor of Purchases. State of Georgia, Room 142.

State Capitol, Atlanta. until April S. 194S. 11:00 A. for Plumbing Supplies, f.

o. b. Milled villa State Hospital, MilledgeviUe, Ga. Specifications obtainable from the undersigned. B.

B. GEORGE. Supervisor of Purchases. M. Dobbins, funeral director, Marl etta.

atomic weapons." ROOTTVfl credited to this paper and also the CARPENTRY ALTERATIONS local pews pu pushed tnerem. (COLORED) Entered at Atlanta Post Office as (COLORED) (COLORED) Second Clas Matter LODGE NOTICES Mayor To Air FLANNAGAN, Mr. Nude passed GUINN, Mrs. Annie Florence- JACKSON, Mr. Josephns passed felELLV SMlTU COMPANY National Bep.

resentatives New York, ChicaRO. De- passed March- 22. Funeral an at the residence. Funeral to be announced later. Hanley Co.

away at a local hospital March 21. Funeral announced later. Pollard. troit, Boston. Philadelphia.

Atlanta. nounced later by Ike Lackey A stated business session nf Mail Rates on Annliratlon Vaarab Temple, A. A. O. N.

on, Morticians. BROWN, airs. Fannie of 592 Ami Annexation ADDRESS ALL MAIL to The Atlanta m. will be held this (Wed St, passed away at a local hospital Constitution. Atlanta 8.

Ga. MOORE, Mrs, Byrd of 11 McNeal Alley passed March 22. Funeral will be announced, by Ivey nesday) evening. March 23. NELSON, -rlr.

Kbit of R. 24? Hill St, S. died March 22, 1949. at NOTICE TO MOTION PICTURE EQUIPMENT DEALERS. Sealed bids will be received by the Supervisor of Purchases, State of Georgia, Room 142, State Capitol, Atlanta, until 10:00 A.

April 4, 1840, for Twotion Picture Equipment, Department Of Education. Specifications obtainable from the undersigned. B. B. GEORGE.

Supervisor of Purchases. MODERN BATES MODERN KITCHENS free Estimates Write or Call OTTERSTATF ROOFING SIDINO CO 207 Sprint SU WCY 97s Nights, Sundays, holidays, VE 04. "Remodeling painting roofing siding CEMENT work, screens, gutters. Expert labor. Free'estimates.

Terms. 1-10 years. Day or night VE. 4008. Screening, Doors, Windows ALL GENERAL REPAIR work on houses.

Floor sanding and fhv ishing. Free estimates. AL. 0135. fetirLbtJlA AT REPAIRS ATtAtoa i.

ai yaarao nau, o4V March 22. Funeral announced later. Pollard. reacntree at 7:30 o'clock. Constitution Washington Bureau tne residence, runerai announced The purpose of the meeting is to receive and ballot on ttetitiona and to act on WASHINGTON Mayor Harts- Morticians.

JONES, Mr. Ola Kate Freeman later. Sellers Bros. LACKEY. Mrs.

Sarah Wife of field will discuss "Annexation and such other business as might come before Mr. Ed Lackey, of 31 Cornelia DIXON, Bird Friends and rela CALL WA. 6565 Ask for Ad-Taker it. Meeting to be foUowed by entertain of Grantville, died at the residence March 21, x949. Funeral ment features, and refreshments.

All passed away March 22. Funeral tives are requested to attend his funeral -Thursday -t 2 o'clock. NOTICE TO AUTOMOBILE DEALERS Sealed BroDOsals will be received at members and visiting Nobles are Invited announced later. liaugaorooKS City Expansion Plans' in an address before delegates to the United States Conference of Mayors here today. to attena.

announced later. Sellers Newnan, Ga. Funeral Home. Woodbury, Ga. Union Society in the office of the Fulton County Purchasing Agent, 607 Court House, Atlanta, until 11 A.

E. S. March 31. 1MB, for furnish ine Pulton County Police De OBY T. BREWER, must Potentate.

Attest: FRANK A. CUNDELL. Recorder. DAY and night service New bulldlnr. SMITH, Mr.

Frank Friends and cnarge relatives of Mrs. Mary Browing Mrs. Jessie died in PRICE, Mr. Robert Sr-or345 Henry S. of Fayette County, passed at the resi repairs, carpentry, masonry, cemeni work, painting, etc.

No jobs too small. Mr. Powell or Mr Keith. DE. 550.

AHHQUHCEMEHTS Hartsfield's address will be a highlight of the final day of the Conference. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alexan Memphis, Tenn- March 21. Fu A called communication of Lakewood Lodge, No.

443 T. 4c A. will be held in the haU. partment two 1949 Plymouth Two-Door Sedans or equal, less trade-in on one 1949 Ford Two-Door and one 1S4S Plymouth Four-Door. Fulton County reserves UtiXtKAL repairing, carpentry, mason- der.

Atlanta: 2 brothers. Spring neral announced on arrival of re dence. March 21, 1949. Funeral 1642ft Jones boro Road (Lake- Auto Travel Opportunities 2 ry, plastering, painting ana eoncrete driven, we specialise in small jobs. field, Ohio; 1 daughter, Youngs- They do the trick but quick! announced later.

Sellers Bros. the right to accept or reject any or all wood HelEhta). this (Wedhes- mains. Murdaugh Morticians, 71PiedmontAvenuejN. E.

tl. 3Z1S. uuiii modern am lux furniture Constitution Want Ads. town, Ohio; 1 sister, Ohio, are in dayt afternoon. March 23rd.

SIMPSON. Mr. Robert of 19 bids and to waive tecnnicauties. R. BAKER.

Purchasing Agent coaches to and from N. Washincton, I WILL build new homes, repair carpen- KOBLNSON, Mr. Tommie Lee ChaDel St. the husband of Mrs. vited to attend the funeral of Mr.

Frank Smith tomorrow (Thurs Charlotte, Jacksonville. Miami. Tampa, New Orleans and other points. Lowest ter, brick work, cement, paint, new gutter, gutter repairs. WA.

9381. AL 79S1 (Rudolph) The brother of Mrs. Essie Simpson: brother of Mrs. RECEIVER'S SALE OF DUMAS ENTERPRISES, INC. Bv order of Fulton County Suoerior NOTICE TO PRINTERS and wiU meet promptly at 1:30 o'lock for the purpose of paying our last sad tribute of respect to our deceased brother, O.

J. Stewart. Members of Lakewood Lodge are requested to be present. Visiting brethren are cordially and fraternally in day) at 2 o'clock at Auburn BUILDING AND GENERAL REPAIRS mierstaie rates, excellent storage zacm- ties. WA.

6793. Katie Mae Blalock, Mrs. Alice Lenora Farmer' and Mrs. Louise Wright of 2238 Perkerson Rd, Bids will be received at the office of the Fulton County Purchasing Agent, lnAm ftnl miu Allant, A un Chapel. Rev.

A. V. Williamson of CASWELL BROS. 80 Ponce de Leon E. AT.

B04S SUDDATH MOVING Sc STORAGE CO. Court, the undersigned wUl offer for White. Mrs. Ellen Richardson, ficiating. Interment, Lincoln Cen Home Improvement FHA Pint, vited to meet with.

us. til 11 A. E. S. March 39.

tor Mrs. Mellie Lee, of 343 McDamel Mrs. Gladys Hill, Mr. John Simp Cemetery Lots, Crypts etery. Haugabrooks Funeral Home, St, Apt 124, died suddenly March SACRIFICE 1 crypt.

$200. Section 13, sale, between the legal hours of sale on March 39, 1949. before the Courthouse door, all of the personal property of Dumas Enterprises, Inc. In the Receiver's hands, including leases on real prop By order of: GEORGE R. MOORE.

THOS. E. COMPTON. Secretary furnishing printing supplies for Fulton County Tax Collector. Specifications obtainable from the Tax Collector.

Fulton in-state construction Co. rWA. 0330 1H EUis. N. E.

CY. 147 GENERAL, PROPERTY REPAIRS son, Mrs. Jessie Reid, of Chicago, 111- died March 22. 1949. Funeral later.

VINSON, Pvt. Harold died in crest Lawn cemetery, la. W7. 21, 1949. Funeral announce DECORATTNO France in 1945.

He is survived by County reserves the right to accept or Sellers Bros. announced later. Thornton Funer 8 Lost and Found erty, sale wui Deem it 11 A. M. Atlanta Masonie Club No.

RriD'S -REPAIR CO. LA. 0512 reject any or au bios ana to waive tecn The Receiver will sell au the equipment nis motner, Mrs. watue Vinson, al Home. SCOTT.

Mrs. Clara of 191 Glen- 151 will hold its regular meet Piedmont LOST Black corde bag vie. Houses Repaired and Modernised belonging to Dumas Enterprises. lo nicauties. R.

W. BAKER, Purchasing Agent. ing today, Marcn 23, l4, at cated in the following establishments of 320 Lee St, Atlanta, Qa, and sister, Mrs. Rubye Gadson. of Sa containing yellow billfold with key ring, identifications.

Reward. VE. BLUE, Mr. Thomas of English nting. I tTh.

12:15 p. Wooding'a Ban food S. E. The and relatives of Mrs. Clara Scott Rev.

WRIGHT. CR S268 St, N. W. The friends and rela 5821. Day.

VE. 4118 after 6 quet Hall. 35 Marietta SL AU Masons are invited. By order formerly operated by the said Dumas Enterprises, 4 Cain SL, X. W.

(m front mt Bus ROOr leaks stopped. $3. Gutters cleaned Djiv or nieht. John Rawlin. AT.

snnft LOST Vicinity Ptree Hills. N. IL, mot PEARL: COME HOME OI VAVI BIlAIViUN, RM, tives of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blue.

Mr. and Mrs. Julii Thomas Station). soua oiacK uocxer spaniel, name CHEIXY. LA.

7634 General repairs, car. JOHN K. WOODS, Sec vannah, other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be held Thursday, March 24, 1949, at the graveside, South View Ceme Inky." Child's pet. Reward.

CH. 1508. 197 Spring If. W. (corner Spring penter worn, cement Blocks or prick.

BUILDING repairing, roofing. Hdfiv LOST Mon. p. m. between Edgewood and cam streets).

and family, Mrs. Mary Sue De-Bose, Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert and and Mrs. D. L.

Jordan. Mr. and Isaac Scott and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will McGill and son, Mrs.

Tabitha Myrick and family. Rev. and Mrs. W. Paul Zanders and son, all of Atlanta; Mrs.

Tabitha White. Dawson. Mrs. A called communication et East Point Lodge No. 288, F.

A. wUl ba held shfa 129 Boulevard, N. K. (near Georgia Baptist Hospital). i spray painnng.

rtoy jyi. lester, ca. aeo Bridge and Hurt Street black leather handbag with nersonal naoers. WA. 5608.

It was all my fault, PearL I admit I was surly and grumpy. No wonder tery, at 3 o'clock. Rev. P. H.

Head General repairs LOST Pointer fern dog White with Cameron Construction Co. AT. S08S (Wednesday) evening at 1:30 and an Army chaplain will offici Any and aU liens which have heretofore attached to the assets of Dumas En family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill and family, and J.

T. that even the kids were scared of ma. brown spots Vic. E. Point.

Name TJoo- REBUILD OR REMODEL WITH FERMAa ciock. ine entered Apprentice decree will he nin.rrMl ate. Full military honors will be aivnue. ka. zizz: niems.

ca. uzz. STONE CALL CY 5802 Green and family, Mrs. Lula En- terprises, wiU be transferred to the proceeds of sale, and properties sold clear of liens. (See Order of Fulton Coun But everything's better now.

I've in charge of the Washington Park LOST Nesr Rich's Tuesday afternoon, Inez Richardson, Newarl: N. Visiting brethren are cordially Invited to meet with us. An members are urged to Cabinet Makers right and family, of Atlanta: Mrs. Mrs. Ola McGrady.

Americus, lady's blue sheu frame glasses. Finder Cleae call HE. 3586. ty Superior Court in Case No. A10.207, Recreational Area.

Walkers Funeral Home. Screens, Metal Weath errtripping auenu. oj oraer oi Hazie Jones. Mrs. Lelia Phiffier, found out that constipation caused by lack of bulk In my diet can be Aiutni AtiuM.a snur Lupe vs.

Dumas Enterprises, inc.) Said ssle is subject to confirmation by FOUND Great Dane. Owner may have E- MANNING, W. M. 3. H.

CHRISTIAN. Sec of California, are invited to attend 691 Edgewood t. LA. 8341 WILSON, Mr. Lonnie The friends the Court, and the Receiver will report oy paying for ad.

KA. 6s SO, or WA. 5910. licked! Believe mo, I advise others the funeral of Mr. Thomas Blue ar.

4 Mr. and Mrs Ike- Griffin, Miami Beach, are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Clara Scott tomorrow Thursday, at 2 CUSTOM-MADE kitchen cabinets. Very and relatives of Mr. and Mrs.

tne results or sale and nis recommenda The SVTInwnf reas. ma terms. tKts esnmatea AM. Thursday. March 21, 1949 at LOST Black Shaeffer pea with gold tions to the Court on March 30.

1949. Lonnie Wilson, Mr. and -i Mrs, 77o3. Bankhead Cabinet Shop. pang ana point, xia.

oooa. Who suffer the same way to do what I did: just eat a bowlful of rytnagoras Lodge No. 41 meets thli (Wednesday) evenine. p. m.

at Greater Bethel AME Calcimininq, Paintina. Plasterine Richard Wilson, Mr. and Mrs p. m. at Poplar Hill Baptist Personals March 23rd.

at 7:30 o'clock. An Inventory of the personal property may be seen at the Receiver's office, 907 Grant and the leases may be inspected in the office of Hugh G. Head at 630 Citizens St Southern National Bank ROOMS tinted S6, materials fur Papere4 Boisie Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. M.

Church, Buford, Rev. S. M. KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN every day MONEY TO LOAN on all makes of dou- Church, Boyd St. Kev.

5. W. Wicker and others officiating. Interment Lincoln Cemetery. Sellers Bros.

sa K.emtone Elijah wepo. ka wan. Wingfield, Union Point, Mr. ble-barrel repeating and automatic u-uest speaker, William I Shelfer. HAROLD T.

SMITH, Secretary and Treasurer. Bryant officiating. Interment in Buford Cemetery. The cortege will Carpenter Work and drink plenty of water. They say it's America's most famous laxative shotguns.

Also on repeating and auto attorney for the Receiver. CARPENTER and eeneral repair work1 WESTBROOKS, Mr. Pete of 1216 An inspection of the properties may be had bv appointment. The Receiver ana Mrs. Eaiey and Mrs.

Rosa coc-lough, Greensboro, Mr. and Mrs. McWhorter. Savannah, leave 'from our establishment at Khorassan Grnttn. a era.

Free estimates O. Smith. WA. f-379. matic rifles and ail makes of oinocu-lars.

MITCHELL LOAN CO. cereal believe me, it sure gets mg ternal organization expects to have parties on all three of 12 noon. Moreland Funeral Home, Jackson College Park, Ga. The friends and relatives of Mrs. ROOMS, porches.

Bills, steps, repalg work. Paintina. Free est. MA. 6709.

169 MitcheU St, S. W. of Master Masons, cordially and fraternally invites its tne premises irom ig a. m. m.

March 24. 1949. when anyone Mrs. Fannie Jennings and family, Miss Elizabeth Wilson and Alberta, Tjif-il. WActVinrlr u7if ff Ala.

Carpentering and repair wor2 interested can inspect tne property at HOLT, Mrs, Annie Woodson The friends and relatives of Mrs. Annie Woodson Holt, Mr. Charles Cecil DE. 6206 rropnets. visiting Prophets, Master Masons and their la.

bama; Mr. John Westbrooks (fa vote. Or make it up into muffins they taste grand too Come home dear, and find a (ran new'man waiting for you. That's me -your ever-lovin husband, JOE. Cement Work dies to attend a free danre THERE is a new loan company in At-lanta where you can borrow up to $1,500 on your car at low rates.

Free parking. STANDARD DISCOUNT CO. ther), of Americus, Mr. and Mrs. Annie Ree Coleman are invited to attend the funeral of Mr.

Lonnie Wilson today (Wednesday) at 8 p. m. at Mt Pleasant Baptist tnese locations. FRANK A. HOLDEN, Receiver.

907 Grant Bldg. CY. S84L HUGH G. HEAD. Attorney.

30 C. S. National Bank Bldg. MA. 3296.

Alterations and Repairs Mrs. Mark Westbrooks and family. Holt, son. New York City; Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Burton, Detroit, on Friday evening. March 25, in the Sky Room, City Auditorium, from til 12 midnight. Admission by showing current year's dues card at the door. Voura in CARPENTRY and screening, block an4 Mr. and Mrs.

Mose Lee West 285 Spring N. W. CY. 088-e08 brooks, Mr. and Mrs.

Eugene MAX FRIED, orofessional watchmaker: Church. Rev. Benjamin W. Bick gooa xeuowsnip. Mrs.

Lula B. Sims, Miss Nellie Mae Woodson, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hart, Little Sandra and 27 years in Atlanta, says it will pay Westbrooks, of Americus, Mr. ers officiating, assisted by others.

A. -bud- foster. Monarch. E. WXTRST.

Chairman, Dance Committee. cemenr work drrvewaya. walks, base ments, walls and floors Estimate free. J. G.

LOWELL. CR. 1577 MASTIC floor resurfacing, worn wood concrete floors, sidewalks, cement work, all kinds. Free estimates. you to see hint.

A sureshot, the very best and rhesner. CY. 2481. and Mrs. Clarence Westbrooks, of Interment Penfield.

Ga. Flower 469 PEACHTREE ARCADE. 4TH FLOOR Atlanta, Mt. and Mrs. Jessie Delores Hart, Atlanta; Mr.

George A. Jackson, Tuskegee, Rev. ladies and pallbearers meet at the The Patrons flnh SILVER PLATING church at 7:30 p. m. The remains TINGLE CONSTRUCTION CO.

CA. 12T E. of Fulton and De-Kalb Counties, will hold GOLD-SrLVER-BRASS-C OFFER Expert will lie in state at the church from repairs. Pick-up and delivery. Shef- its regular monthly meet- Westbrooks, of Knoxville, Mrs.

Phillis Brown, Mr. David Westbrooks, of Atlanta, are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Pete Westbrooks today (Wednesday) at 2:30 p. m. from ing una (Wednesday) evening, March 23.

at DRIVES, walks, walla, floor, basem*nt waterproofing. Terma If desired. MORRIS CONTRACTING CO i93 Msyson Ave. CR. 133S CONCRETE DRIVES.


5 p. m. today until hour of funeral. The cortege will leave from our establishment Thursday at 9 a. m.

for; interment. Murdaugh field's, 1031 N. E. VE. 1847.

EXPERT WALL CLEANING The WALLMASTER Way -AH Employees Bonded And Insured CY 5505 o'clock at the Fulton County Courthouse. Members are urged to attend. our chapeL Rev. Laman West Morticians, 71 Piedmont Avenue, and Mrs. H.

H. Woodson, Mr Lo-renza Woodson and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Reid, Mr. Elijah Woodson and family.

Stone Mountain, Mr. Thomas Holt, New York; Mrs. Eureka Ware and family, Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. John Long and family.

Miss Gertis Walker, New York, are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Annie Woodson Holt Thursday, March 24, at 2 p. from Zion Hill tttt M- WEAVER, Pres. SEMI-INVALIDS cared for bv crad. reg.

moreland and others officiating, N. E. Cleaning. Wallpapering SPECIAL, room papered. (14 complete'.

Cleaned S4. Painting and plastering and Carp. reas. Work guar. RA.

2914. nurse In her comfortable home. Best of food, kind treatment. Ground-floor Gate City Council No. Interment, South View Cemetery.

BEASLEY, Mr. Gus of ScottdaTfc Jr. O. O. A M.

meets every room. AT. 2720, Lige Sims Funeral Home. CLEANING WALLPAPER, KEMTONTNG. Wednesday evening at 7:30 iSKr AM RrVIK vnnria.

Innu Ga. The friends and relatives of Mr. Gus Beasley, the husband of CITY REFERENCES MOSES. RA. 8890.

o-ciock tai the Jr o. aeroa, ous, canaiea. spinniausni dooks and siinnliM Hnun'iL 115 S. Broad Hall. 238V Caoltol Ave.

Mrs. Annie Mae Beasley, the fa- Electrical Work Contracting NEW AND REPAIR ELECTRICAL WCRBt LICENSED CONTRACTOR. RA. 6233. mm mm aw Gam.

ro HB 5 E. Atlanta. Ga. Regular mltiatlon conferred ever EXPERT reweaving and alterations. ii at msr a ar ZACHERY.

Mr. Lewis The friends and relatives Mr. Lewis Zarhery, the husband of Mrs; Inez Zachery, the brother of Miss Lougene Zachery, Mis Essie Zachery. Mr. Earl Zachery.

Mr. Carl- SAUL'S. 2933 Peachtree Rd. CH. S611 vecond Wadnesriav An rev.

mer oi mi. ana ivirs. uiiam Baptist Church, Georgia Avenue Hardaman and family, Mrs. An- and McDaniel Street, with Rev. Ular and vlsitin mmnhm 11 11 Business Personals Business Personals nic Mae Williams and family, Mts.Il.

m. Terrell officiating. The re- ire orcea attend. By order of A. DAVIS.

Councilor. R. W. HASUTT. JR.

Rec Sec uuiiaime xjeasaey, ivirs. mains will lie in state at the resi dence, 862 Hubbard SU from 6 Beasley, Mr. George Beasley, Mrs. Grace Williams, of Philadelphia, The regular maetlne toL Zachery, all of Decatur, the nephew of Mr. and Mrs.

Tobe Lester, Mrs. Fannie Sims, all of p. m. this afternoon until the hour Atlanta Aerie 714. F.

O. GET A HAIR CUT TODAY will be held to the Aerie of the funeral. Flower ladies and lionyers, ua. The cousir of Mrs. pallbearers are requested to meet noma, iot Luckie St thla (Wednesday) evening at o'clock.

Vision broth Lizzie Zachery ad a host of oth 3f tm at the residence at 1 p. m. Interment, Stone Mountain, Ga. Ivey er relatives are invited to attend ers cordially invited to meet with us. By order of No Waiting All Service Supervised urotners, Morticians K.

CA1VIPBELL. ROV CHAPMAN See. the funeral of Mr. Lewis Zachery tomorrow (Thursday) at 2:30 p. m.

from Thankful Baptist Church, Decatur, Ga. Rev. A. G. Belcher In Memoriam In loving memory of our mother.

Mm NOTICE TO PLUMBING SUPPLY AND PIPE DEALERS the son of Mrs. Ann Beasley, the brother of Mr. and Mrs. John Benefield, Mrs. Cella Jones, Mr.

and Mrs. M. L. Beasley, Mr. and Mrs.

John Beasley, Mr. and Mrs. Ebb Beasley are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Gus Beasley tomorrow (Thursday) at 1 p. m.

from our Decat-ir ChapeL Rev. Hezekiah Smith and others officiating. The remains will lie in state at the Chapei from 5 p. today until the hour cf the funeral. Interment Washington Park Ctmetery.

Cox Decatur. Call WAInut 498S for Information and others officiating. The re Sealed proposals will be received by the Fulton County Purchasing Agent. 507 Annie Ware Holloway, who passed away years ago, on March 23, 1947. A place is vacant In our home that can never be filled.

God knows how mains will lie in state at the res i 1 HOLER BARBER COLLEGE much we miss you, never shall her memory fade. Loving thoughts shall even Court House, Atlanta, until P. E. S. March 29, 1949, for furnishing Fulton County Fairburn Swimming Pool 2,230 feet 2-inch water main.

Fulton County reserves the right to accept or idence, 325 Herring Decatur, from 5 p. until the hour of the funeral. Interment Wash wander, place where she ie iaer, to tne pi. to the Sadly mil sadly 4t Hunter St. S.

W. stetween Whitehall and Bread) missed by: MRS. MARY JONES. Daughter. reject any or all bids and to waive teco- w-n 9 ington Park Cemetery.

Cox Bros. Decatur. nicaiiuea. K. w.

baker. Purchasing Agent. PLA, V. own. MR.

t. H. JONES, Son-ln-Law..

The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.