The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (2024)

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  • Hitting Your Arms From All Angles, Why?
  • 24 Best Exercises to Build Bigger Arms
  • 11 Best Exercises to Target Your Biceps
  • 11 Best Exercises to Target Your Triceps
  • Best Forearm and Wrist Exercises
  • 4 Top PT Tips for Building Your Arms

Clicking on this article is your first rep towards building bigger biceps, triceps and forearms. Each of these arm exercises hits maximum muscle fibres to spark the growth you're after and proves any piece of kit – in the right hands and in the right arm workouts – has gun-toting potential to build bigger, thicker arms.

And if you're wondering why exactly it is that you need to know 22 arm exercises, it's because if you want to build arms that really pop, you'll need to hit them from a variety of angles, a muscle-building theory that's been confirmed by the Department of Health Science and Human Performance at the University of Tampa, Florida.

Hitting Your Arms From All Angles, Why?

The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (1)

If you're interested in seriously big arms, slabs of meat that look thick and full from all angles, then you need to start realising there's more to arm day than just your biceps. In fact, biceps shouldn't be your priority. Yes, they are the jewel of the arm muscle, the one that makes your t-shirt pop, but did you know it's your triceps that make up the majority of the arm? Spare a thought for your forearms, too – don't worry, we've got the exercises for them – and start to think about grip, and how small adjustments on the dumbbell can help attack specific muscles in the arm that will help contribute to growth, size and thickness.

The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (2)

Benefits of Arm Workouts

Of course, if your goal is to add some size to you guns, then arm workouts should be a staple in your weekly program. We're all well aware of the visual benefits of a thick set of biceps, but what about some more reasons to include arm workouts, other than filling out a shirt?

Arm workouts, specifically using weights and bodyweight resistance fall under the umbrella of 'resistance training'. The benefits of resistance training are multifarious, ranging from improved heart health to improved body image (how we perceive our bodies). In fact, a review published by J Strength Cond Res of 11 different studies on resistance training found that it can significantly improve multiple types of body image. So, even more of a reason to relish the boost we get when flexing in front of the mirror after a serious arm workout.

Below, we present the best arm workouts and a detailed 'how to' that'll ensure you complete each rep with perfect form and explain the specific benefit of each exercise – helping you pick the perfect combination for every goal. We've also included arm-building tips from a Top PT that will target your guns.

10 Best Arm Workouts

Now you know why arm workouts are beneficial, get ready to challenge yourself with these arm workouts:

  1. This 15-Minute Dumbbell Arm Workout Is Designed to Build Muscle, Fast
  2. Grow Huge Arms with This 6-Move Superset Workout
  3. How to Get Chris Hemsworth's Arm Pump with Just a Pair of Dumbbells
  4. Add Inches to Your Arms With The 5/20 Method
  5. Got 10 Minutes? Blast Your Arms With This Dumbbell Workout
  6. This No-frills Bi's and Tri's Workout Is Designed to Blow up Your Arms
  7. Build Massive Arms In 30 Minutes With Just Your Bodyweight
  8. This 10-Minute, Two-Move Arms Finisher Will Add Meat to Your Guns
  9. Big Weekend Workout: Pump Up Your Chest and Arms With Our 450-Rep Dumbbell Challenge
  10. This 3-Set Workout Is Designed to To Build Muscle On Skinny Arms

24 Best Exercises to Build Bigger Arms

If you want to build big arms then you're going to need to work out your biceps, triceps and forearms, which is why we've selected exercises that hit all three muscle groups.

11 Best Exercises to Target Your Biceps

The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (3)

1. Barbell Bicep Curl

How to: Grab a barbell with a shoulder-width grip and let it hang in front of your thighs. Brace your core as you curl the bar up to your chest, keeping your elbows pinned to your waist. Return under control to the start position.

Why: The barbell bicep curl is the king of arm exercises, and for good reason. You'll be able to load the bar with additional weight, but be sensible, and try to avoid momentum. By keeping your reps clean, you'll isolate your biceps which will result in a better pump.

      The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (4)

      2. Incline Bicep Curl

        How to: Sit on an incline bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand at arm's length. Use your biceps to curl the dumbbell until it reaches your shoulder, then lower them back down to your side and repeat.

        Why: Beware: this position isolates the biceps and prevents other muscles from sharing the load. You can work the entire muscle by turning your wrists out slightly and keeping your elbows pointed towards the floor throughout the rep, a range of motion not available in other arm exercises.

        The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (6)

        3. Concentration Curl

        How to: Sit down on the bench and rest your right arm against your right leg, letting the weight hang down. Curl the weight up, pause, and then lower. Repeat with the other arm.

        Why: This isolates the arm flexors and hits the lateral head of the biceps for peak performance (and appearance).

        The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (8)

        4. Twisting Dumbbell Curl

        How to: Hold a dumbbell in each hand at your side with palms facing each other. Use your bicep to curl the dumbbells up to your shoulders alternately, twisting your palms to face your chest as you lift them. Slowly lower the dumbbells back down to your side and repeat.

        Why: The twist brings your forearm into play. It won’t hit your biceps as hard as other arm exercises, but when you’re squeezing sets in over lunch this move will hit more of your arm in less time.

        The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (10)

        5. Underhand Seated Row

        How to: Bend your knees and hold the bar with an underhand grip, shoulder-width apart. Lean back slightly, keeping your back straight, then use your back muscle to drive the bar towards your belly button. Return the bar to starting position and repeat.

        Why: Go one better than bodyweight moves in your quest for bigger biceps — this doesn’t take up a squat rack, either.

        The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (12)

        6. Reverse Curl Straight Bar

        How to: Stand and grip a barbell at shoulder width with an overhand grip. Flex the elbows and rotate the barbell upwards, only using your forearms, until your palms face out and the barbell is in line with your shoulders. Return it back down slowly and repeat.

        Why: Often neglected because it works the brachialis, an invisible muscle lower down your upper arm — but one essential for bigger biceps. Train it well and the brachialis pushes the peak of your bicep muscle up higher, making for a more impressive flex and bigger-looking arms.

        The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (14)

        7. Leant-Forward EZ Bar Curl

        How to: Hold the EZ bar in front of your thighs with an underhand, shoulder-width grip. Lean forward slightly, so your torso's around 30 degrees to your hips. As you breathe in, curl the bar until your hands are at your shoulders. Squeeze your biceps, then lower under control.

        Why: You’re working the main flexor muscle involved in finger strength, which will earn you a vice-like grip for the bigger lifts – and a bone-crushing handshake for good measure. Plus, that forward tilt means using your hips to swing up the final few reps is a no-no. Perfect form for perfect gains.

        The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (16)

        8. Reverse-Grip EZ Bar Curl

        How to: Hold the EZ bar in front of your thighs with an overhand, shoulder-width grip. As you breathe in, curl the bar until your hands are at your shoulders. Squeeze your biceps, then lower under control.

        Why: No matter how many arm exercises and curls you crank out, biceps development can be severely limited by weaknesses in your elbows and forearms. This move hits your brachioradialis (forearm muscle) to remedy it.

        The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (18)

        9. Prone Dumbbell Spider Curl

        How to: Lie on an incline bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand, letting them hang underneath your shoulders. Use your biceps to curl the dumbbells towards your shoulders. Slowly return to starting position and repeat.

        Why: Lying against the bench helps your master the proper curling technique - useful in loads of arm exercises. If your chest lifts off it, that’s cheating, but keep it flat for every rep and you know you’ve nailed another set in your quest for bigger biceps.

        The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (20)

        10. Incline Hammer Curl

        How to: Sit on an incline bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand by your side. Keep your upper arm still and your palms facing inwards, and lift the dumbbell to your shoulders. Bring it back down to your side and repeat.

        Why: The incline nature of the bench offers a more comprehensive arm exercise, focusing more on the long head of the biceps brachii and the brachialis muscle.

        The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (21)

        11. Preacher Curl

        How to: Begin seated on the preacher-curl bench with your chest and arms in contact with the arm pad. With an underhand grip and your arms straight, keep your elbows in place as you curl the bar upwards. Squeeze the biceps before you reverse the movement under control.

        Why: Want bigger biceps? The preacher curl enables you to isolate the bicep muscles for a massive arm pump. You can also vary the grip depending on which of the bicep heads you want to target.

        11 Best Exercises to Target Your Triceps

        12. Diamond Press-Up

        How to: Lie on the floor with your body straight and form a diamond shape with your hands. Lower your body down until your chest is almost touching the floor. Press your body back up to the starting position, squeezing your triceps and chest at the same time.

        Why: Narrowing your grip works all three heads of your triceps, along with your chest, to sculpt an eye-catching definition.

        The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (24)

        13. Javelin Press

        How to: Hold an EZ bar in your right hand just above your shoulder. Extend your arm and drive the bar above you, then lower it back down to your shoulder and repeat.

        Why: This works your triceps unilaterally (one arm at a time) for even gains, while the added instability from ungainly equipment helps activate smaller shoulder muscles that injury proof the joint. Plus, you’ll look like a pro next to the guys toting dumbbells.

        The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (26)

        14. One Arm Tricep Extension (seated)

        How to: Hold a dumbbell in one hand directly behind your head, with your elbow bent and pointed towards the ceiling. Extend through your elbow until your arm is straight and the dumbbell is directly above you. Lower your arm back to starting position and repeat.

        Why: This move builds arm strength and adds stability to your shoulders and elbows. Plus, working unilaterally will put an end to any muscle imbalances.

        The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (28)

        15. Decline Close-Grip EZ Bar Skullcrusher

        How to: Lie back on a bench set to a 30-degree decline. Grip the EZ bar on the innermost grips and extend your arms straight up, palms facing your feet. Keeping your elbows fixed and tucked in, lower the bar until it is about an inch from your forehead. Slowly extend your arms back to the starting position without locking your elbows.

        Why: Don't be scared of the name, this is one of the arm exercises for ultimate triceps builders. Set the bench to decline and it'll increase your range of motion for increased muscle activation.

        The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (30)

        16. Tate Press

        How to: Lie on a bench and hold two dumbbells directly above your shoulders. Slowly bend your elbows to bring the dumbbells to your chest, so your palms face outwards and the dumbbells point towards the ceiling. Raise the dumbbells back to starting position and repeat.

        Why: Working at this angle places more emphasis on the long head of the triceps for more visible muscle separation at the back of your arms. Wearing a vest to show them off at the office is against the rules, sadly.

        The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (32)

        17. Standing Overhead Barbell Triceps Extension

        How to: Grab a barbell and stand with it held over your head in both hands, hands almost touching and palms facing forwards. Bend your elbows to slowly lower the bar behind your head, keeping your upper arms stationary. One your elbows hit 90 degrees, pause, then return to the starting position by flexing your triceps.

        Why: Using a barbell overhead, instead of dumbbells, gives you a gripping advantage. Use your strength to try and snap the barbell at the top of the rep, it’ll activate the maximum amount of muscle fibres.

        The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (34)

        18. Close-Grip Bench Press

        How to: Grasp a barbell with an overhand grip that’s shoulder-width apart, and hold it above your sternum with arms completely straight. Lower the bar straight down, pause, and then press the bar back up to the starting position.

          Why: This is a great tricep exercise that works both your chest and core. By placing your hands closer together your triceps have to work harder, which leads to new growth and more strength.

          The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (35)

          19. Tricep Dips (Advanced)

          How to: Hoist yourself up on parallel bars with your torso perpendicular to the floor. Bend your knees and slowly lower your body until your shoulder joints are below your elbows. Push back up until your elbows are nearly straight but not locked. If you have shoulder issues, skip this move.

          Why: Lifting your entire bodyweight means your triceps have to work against a much heavier load than they would if you were just isolating your tri's.

          The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (36)

          20. Rope Pulldowns

          How to: Attach a rope handle to the high pulley of a cable station. Keeping your elbows tucked in at your sides grab the handle, tense your core, and bring your hands down until your arms are fully extended, then return to the starting position. Only your forearms should move.

          Why: By ensuring you only move your forearms will force your triceps to do the majority of the work.

          The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (37)

          21. Tricep Kickbacks

          How to: Start standing and hinge at the hips, sending your hips behind your heels with a flat back and your arms bent, elbows pinned to your waist. Keep the elbows in place and extend the arms in a straight line behind you. Contract the triceps for a beat. Slowly resist the return of the dumbbells back to their beginning position. Avoid momentum; no cheating the reps.

          Why: Performed correctly, tricep kickbacks are an underrated dumbbell exercise. It's important to focus on higher reps ranges, moderate weight choices and immaculate form in order to isolate your triceps. This will help you work closer to failure for a t-shirt popping tricep pump.

          The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (38)

          22. Bench Dips

          How to: Position your hands shoulder-width apart on a weight bench, wall or chair. With your palms on the bench and knuckles pointed towards your feet, extend your legs in front of you. Push upwards to the starting position, then slowly lower your body until your elbows are at right angles. Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible and maintaining tension, hold for a second at the bottom of the movement. Press down into the bench to straighten your elbows and return to the starting position.

          Why: For beginners, bench dips are the perfect place to start before heading onto tricep dips on the bars. Don't be deceived by how the exercise is regressed, bench dips will will fire up your triceps.

            Best Forearm and Wrist Exercises

            The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (39)

            23. Straight Barbell Palms-Up Wrist Curl

            How to: Sit on a bench and hold a barbell with your palms facing up. Rest your forearms on your knees and lower the bar towards the floor as far as possible. Curl your wrist upward, pause, then slowly lower.

            Why: Your forearms will be on display long after your beach body has gone back into hiding, so give them due care. Your grip strength will be much improved come deadlift day too.

            The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (41)

            24. Straight Barbell Palms-Down Wrist Curl

            How to: Sit on a bench and hold a barbell with your palms facing down. Rest your forearms on your knees and lower the bar towards the floor as far as possible. Curl your wrist upward, pause, then slowly lower.

            Why: This subtle move isn’t one for show-boating, but don’t skip it. It targets the extensor muscles to minimise wrist and elbow injury during other moves.

            4 Top PT Tips for Building Your Arms

            Specialist strength and conditioning trainer Jamie Inzani, of One Personal Training, reveals four sure-fire ways to build bigger arms.

            1/ Use Heavy Dropsets

            Inzani advises loading up a bar with a weight you can bear for 5 strict reps, before dropping to a rep-out weight in your arm workouts. Using strict, unilateral movements (that's one arm at a time) squeeze out 8-10 reps in each arm, keeping the elbows next to the body, your back straight and without rocking, Form is important – don't move the resting arm until the other has finished its rep.

            The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (43)

            2/ Use Multi-Grip Drop Sets

            Inzani overloads his muscles by switching between weaker and stronger grips, double and single-arm movements and strong to double-arm grips. Why? Moving from double-arm to single-arm movements creates more ‘neural' drive when you only have one arm – engaging the nervous system to recruit and work-out more of the muscle fibres in the arm than conventional sets. With a manageable weight, and switching constantly between hammer, cross-body, normal and reverse grips, crank out 8 reps with both arms then the same with each, singly.

            The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (44)

            3/ Use The Zottman Curl

            To build a big, thick upper-arm, it's not all about the bicep – this exercise works the oft-overlooked elbow flexors. To begin, grasp a couple of dumbbells and sit at the edge of a flat bench, extending your arms fully downward and with the palms facing forward. Curl as usual, but keeping the palm turned away from the body so as not to recruit the forearm flexors – if necessary, bend your wrist backwards. At the top, rotate your palms so that they face downwards, ready to perform the ‘eccentric' (downward) portion of a reverse dumbbell curl, before slowly lowering. Keep your elbows pinned to your side the entire time – if they tend to flare out use less weight. Do 8-10 reps for 3 sets in your arm workouts.

            The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (45)

            4/ Use Chin-Ups

            Again, the correct form is important in turning this gym staple into a lethal weapon in your arm-building armoury. A proper chin-up is centred around straight arms pulling the chin up over the bar – start by holding the bar with hands spaced, initially, about 6-inches apart, and try to engage the lats to get moving. At the peak, deploy your biceps to hold the contraction and count for a two-second squeeze. Inzani's advice is to employ the muscles' natural ‘elastic potential,' by exploding up at the bottom of the movement, instead of dithering. Result? You squeeze out an extra couple of reps and add size to your biceps.

            The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps (2024)


            The 24 Best Arm Exercises and Workouts for Pumping up Your Biceps and Triceps? ›

            In general if you are new to training, you don't need as much volume to break down the muscle fibers for growth. 2 to 3 is all you need to get your muscles adapted and grow. If you are an advanced lifter, you may need 4 to 5 exercises for each muscle group and you may be following a 4/5 day split.

            What's the fastest way to build biceps and triceps? ›

            How To Get Bigger Arms: 5 Bicep and Tricep Workouts
            1. Curls. These can be done with barbells, dumbbells, or a machine. ...
            2. Close-Grip Bench Press. This is one of the best bicep and tricep workouts to strengthen your arms. ...
            3. Chinups. With palms facing you, grab the pullup bar and wrap your thumbs around it. ...
            4. Tricep. ...
            5. Pushups.

            Is 3 exercises enough for biceps and triceps? ›

            In general if you are new to training, you don't need as much volume to break down the muscle fibers for growth. 2 to 3 is all you need to get your muscles adapted and grow. If you are an advanced lifter, you may need 4 to 5 exercises for each muscle group and you may be following a 4/5 day split.

            Is 2 exercises for biceps enough? ›

            Is 2 bicep exercises enough? Two basic bicep exercises is really not enough for training biceps and achieving serious arm growth. You should incorporate 3-4 different variations of the curl into your dumbbell biceps workout.

            Is 4 exercises enough for biceps? ›

            Yes, you need to do more than 1 bicep exercise on arm day in order to achieve muscle activation in the biceps. A few sets of conventional dumbbell curls aren't enough for training biceps. Your arm routines should include 3-5 exercises for biceps.

            How to grow arms faster? ›

            8 Best Exercises for Bigger, Stronger Arms
            1. Bicep exercises.
            2. Concentration curl.
            3. Cable curl.
            4. Barbell curl.
            5. Chinup.
            6. Tricep exercises.
            7. Triangle pushup.
            8. Tricep kickback.
            Nov 25, 2019

            Is 3 sets of 5 exercises enough? ›

            If you're trying to build muscle and get bigger, doing sets of 3 or sets of 5 or sets of 10 will ALL help you get bigger, if you're eating enough to get bigger! If you're trying to lose weight, it doesn't matter if you do sets of 15 or sets of 5 if you are consistently overeating by 1,000 calories a day.

            Are 3 arm exercises enough? ›

            The number of exercises that make an effective arm workout can range from 1-3 movements per session, with any more than that resulting in excessive fatigue and inconsistent form and technique. It is common that an arm routine consists of 1-3 arm exercises per muscle each workout.

            Are 3 exercises per muscle enough? ›

            Unless you're highly experienced and committed to working out, you'll get overwhelmed if you exceed a certain threshold. Keep it to around four exercises at once and two or three sets per muscle group, two to four times per week.

            What is the most effective bicep exercise? ›

            10 Best Biceps Exercises
            • Barbell or EZ-Bar Curl.
            • Cable Curl.
            • Dumbbell Curl.
            • Chin-Up.
            • Reverse-Grip Barbell Row.
            • Hammer Curl.
            • Incline Curl.
            • Concentration Curl.

            What is the single best exercise for bigger biceps? ›

            The best exercise for growing the bicep muscle is any variation of the curl. Curls are best done using a barbell and weights or a set of dumbbells. If you're training in the gym, sitting at a bench or using the preacher curl machine can help to further concentrate tension on the bicep muscle, leading to bigger gains.

            How to get bigger arms? ›

            The most commonly performed exercises to build big arms are the biceps curl. The biceps curl is a compound exercise that targets the biceps muscles. This exercise should be performed using either a barbell or a pair of dumbbells.

            What happens if you train biceps everyday? ›

            No body part grows by beating it every day—you need to rest to let your arms recover. In the hours after a workout, your muscles lose strength and power as they heal; after 36-48 hours, the muscle actually gets stronger, which is a process called “supercompensation”. You must give yourself rest.

            How long does it take to build biceps and triceps? ›

            Typically, it takes around 6-8 weeks for you to start noticing changes in the appearance of your arms. At around the 12 week mark, this is typically when you can expect to see more significant changes, especially if you didn't already have a large amount of muscle mass in the area!

            How long does it take to grow biceps and triceps? ›

            Most beginners will see noticeable muscle growth within eight weeks, while more experienced lifters will see changes in three to four weeks. Most individuals gain one to two pounds of lean muscle per month with the right strength training and nutrition plan.

            Can I get biceps in 2 weeks? ›

            Building muscle takes time and dedication, so you can't necessarily get big arms ‌fast‌, but Gargano says that in about four weeks, with consistent programming where you're progressively increasing load and intensity, you should start to see a difference in your arm strength and size.

            How do you bulk your biceps and triceps? ›

            1. The Best Exercises for Triceps. You need to work your arms hard if you want to grow them, but you need to work smart too. ...
            2. Tricep Rope Pulldown. ...
            3. Close Grip Bench Press. ...
            4. Dips (bodyweight or weighted) ...
            5. Preacher Curls. ...
            6. Cable Drop Set Curls. ...
            7. Seated Dumbbell Curls. ...
            8. Standing Cable Curl.
            Oct 23, 2020


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            Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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            Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.