Our Customizable Recipe Will Help You Make Perfect Stuffing Just the Way You Like It (2024)

Many lovers of stuffing think it's the best part of the Thanksgiving feast, and aren't afraid to admit that it isn't the turkey they look forward to each year. Whether you're learning how to make stuffing for the first time or have made this classic side dish many times before, our recipe will give you the confidence to experiment with new flavor combinations.

Most stuffing has the same foundation: bread. Cornbread comes in as a close second. Once you have the basic formula down, you can try adding different flavor pairings to change up your stuffing. Try adding different vegetables, mushrooms (both fresh and dried will work), fresh or dried fruits, such as apples or dried apricots, and fresh or dried herbs or spices. Even the liquid you use to bind the stuffing can be varied, including stock, water, eggs, or wine. Once you've mastered this basic formula for stuffing, the possibilities really are endless.

Classic Stuffing

Stuffing or Dressing?

Although the terms stuffing and dressing are often used interchangeably, stuffing typically refers to cooking the mixture inside the cavity of the turkey, which is what we'll show you in this guide. Taking this route means that your stuffing will be tender and moist, infused with the juices and any rendered fat from the bird as it bakes inside the turkey. Dressing, on the other hand, is baked in a casserole or shallow dish, and it will have a crisper top from being exposed more directly to the heat of the oven.

Key Ingredients of Stuffing


The most popular base for stuffing is bread, with cornbread a close second. This recipe calls for white bread or cornbread. Whichever you use, be sure to cut it into cubes and leave it out overnight before making the stuffing. Stuffing requires slightly dry/stale bread—if the bread is too fresh it will soak up all the liquid.


Adding meat to a stuffing gives the dish more flavor and heft, but it's an option, not a required ingredient. Use ground pork or beef, or sausage meat removed from its casings. Alternatively, use cured meat, such as ham, which will add a decidedly different flavor, and will not require any cooking before adding to the stuffing.

Herbs and Spices

Our Customizable Recipe Will Help You Make Perfect Stuffing Just the Way You Like It (1)

As you season with herbs and spices, taste frequently and adjust accordingly to get a result you like. Used sparingly, dry mustard and cinnamon are good choices. Cayenne pepper and cumin add heat, whereas paprika and turmeric provide color.

Fruits, Nuts, and More

Our Customizable Recipe Will Help You Make Perfect Stuffing Just the Way You Like It (2)

  • It might sound unusual, but fresh or dried fruits are great additions to a stuffing. Think fresh apples, pears, or oranges, or dried apricots, cranberries, or raisins.
  • Reconstituted dried mushrooms, pine nuts, walnuts, and hazelnuts add heft.
  • Parmigiano-Reggiano imparts richness and bite.


The most important ingredient of stuffing may be the binder, which keeps all the other elements in place. For a fluffy texture, use eggs. Stock is the most-used binder. Less conventional possibilities include fruit juice (such as apple or orange) and alcohol (wine or liqueur).


  1. Prep bread:

    If using white bread, cut it into 1/4- to 1/2-inch-thick slices and set out overnight to dry. Break into 1/4-inch cubes once dried out.

    If using cornbread, break 1/2-inch slices into 1-inch pieces.

    Our Customizable Recipe Will Help You Make Perfect Stuffing Just the Way You Like It (4)

  2. Prep other ingredients:

    Chop a variety of vegetables and fresh herbs, and set out liquid. (For exact amounts, refer to our Basic Bread Stuffing recipe.)

    Our Customizable Recipe Will Help You Make Perfect Stuffing Just the Way You Like It (5)

  3. Sauté the meat:

    Sauté sausage, pork, or beef until cooked through, and remove from skillet with a slotted spoon.

  4. Sauté the vegetables:

    Sauté the chopped vegetables. (We used a mix of celery and onion, which gets cooked in the rendered fat from the meat until they are softened. You can also use butter or olive oil to sauté them.)

    Our Customizable Recipe Will Help You Make Perfect Stuffing Just the Way You Like It (7)

  5. Combine meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and bread:

    Combine the cooked meat with all the vegetables, fruit, nuts, and bread. Toss to combine.

    Our Customizable Recipe Will Help You Make Perfect Stuffing Just the Way You Like It (8)

  6. Season:

    Add herbs, salt, and pepper. Toss again.

    Our Customizable Recipe Will Help You Make Perfect Stuffing Just the Way You Like It (9)

  7. Add liquid:

    Add the liquid. Taste and adjust seasoning. If using egg, adjust seasoning first, then decrease any other liquid and add three beaten eggs.

    Toss just until combined.

    Do not overmix, as this will produce a gummy texture.

    Our Customizable Recipe Will Help You Make Perfect Stuffing Just the Way You Like It (10)

  8. Stuff the turkey:

    Stuff turkey just before roasting it. Use 1/2 to 3/4 cup stuffing for each pound of turkey. Don't pack stuffing tightly; it expands as it cooks.

    Use a thermometer to ensure that the stuffing reaches 165°F; remove as soon as turkey comes out of oven. Bake any extra stuffing in a covered buttered baking dish at 375°F until it's heated through and the top is golden, 30 to 40 minutes.

    Our Customizable Recipe Will Help You Make Perfect Stuffing Just the Way You Like It (11)

    If you prefer to cook the stuffing in a 9-by-13-inch baking dish instead of inside the turkey, follow the baking instructions from our Basic Bread Stuffing recipe.


Our Customizable Recipe Will Help You Make Perfect Stuffing Just the Way You Like It (12)

Once you're familiar with this recipe, try something new. Start with the same bread or cornbread base, but mix it up with your choice of complementary flavors, such as citrus rind and fruit juice, or those that contrast, like pecans and dried cherries. You can experiment with a variety of colors and textures, too. For best results, include plenty of vegetables, herbs, and spices in your stuffing.

The vegetables add nuance to the flavor of the stuffing and can change its texture, depending on how they are cut and whether they are cooked before being added. Fennel gives a note of sweet anise; mushrooms yield an earthy flavor and a meaty texture.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it better to make stuffing with soft or dry bread?

Always use dry bread, not fresh or soft bread for making stuffing. Dry, slightly stale bread will keep its texture better after you add the broth or other binder. If you use fresh bread, it will soak up all the liquid and you'll end up with soggy, mushy stuffing.

What type of bread makes the best stuffing?

We prefer to use an unsliced white bread for this stuffing recipe. Its neutral flavor is a good base for the stuffing, Prepackaged sliced white sandwich bread is too soft, but a white pan loaf, country loaf, Italian bread, sourdough or even brioche all work well.

Other Stuffing Recipes to Try:

  • Test Kitchen's Favorite Stuffing
  • Smoked Oyster and Bacon Stuffing
  • Cornbread and Sausage Stuffing
  • Vegan Stuffing with Mushrooms and Leeks
  • Susan's Peach Stuffing
  • Tomato-Olive Stuffing
Our Customizable Recipe Will Help You Make Perfect Stuffing Just the Way You Like It (2024)


What is homemade stuffing made of? ›

Classic stuffing made with bread cubes, seasonings, and held together with chicken stock and eggs.

What should the consistency of stuffing be before cooking? ›

You want your stuffing moist but not soggy and certainly not dry. The bread in the stuffing absorbs moisture, but if it's dry (as it should be, see above), it takes some time for the liquid to settle in. I suggest adding a little at a time, say 1 cup of broth for every 4 cups of dry mix.

What can I add to my stuffing mix? ›

Enhance the flavor with seasonings: Add extra herbs and spices like sage, thyme, garlic powder, or onion powder to the stuffing mix for more depth of flavor.

What makes stuffing unhealthy? ›

Stuffing is not strictly a healthy food, because it is typically high in calories, fat, sodium, and refined carbohydrates. 1 But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it, All foods can fit into a healthy diet in moderation.

Is homemade stuffing better than store bought? ›

While the instant stuffing was actually a closer contender than most of our testers anticipated, the homemade won hearts (and palates) for its subtle flavor and pleasing texture.

Why does my stuffing come out mushy? ›

If the stuffing came out too wet and soggy (aka bread soup!) try not to over mix it, otherwise it'll turn into mush.

Should you add eggs to stuffing? ›

Broth: Chicken broth keeps the stuffing moist without making it soggy. Eggs: Two lightly beaten eggs help hold the dressing together and add moisture. Water: You can add a few tablespoons of water, if you'd like, to achieve your desired consistency.

Should stuffing be soft or crunchy? ›

Speaking of texture, that's what stuffing is all about--you want a mix of crispy and soft pieces. We recommend adding stock a little at a time--1/2 cup to 1 cup, depending on how much stuffing you're making--and waiting for the bread to absorb the liquid before adding more.

Is white or brown bread better for stuffing? ›

You can use any kind; store-bought white bread works well and would probably be my #1 suggestion for stuffing. You could also try using cut up dinner rolls, sourdough bread (actually this would be my personal first pick), challah, or anything else you want to experiment with.

Can I use stuffing mix instead of breadcrumbs? ›

Why should you use boxed stuffing mix in a meatloaf? It's a good alternative if you don't have breadcrumbs or have a spare box that needs to be used up before it expires because it has dried bread that will work as a binder just as breadcrumbs do.

Can you make stuffing ahead of time and reheat? ›

Can you prepare stuffing ahead of time and reheat? YES! This stuffing is baked to golden perfection the day before the big meal. You store it in the fridge overnight and then simply warm it in the oven before dinner.

Can you use old stuffing mix? ›

At worst, the herbs and spices included in the mix may have lost some of their fragrance and/or potency, but you'll be perfectly fine using it.

Can I use olive oil instead of butter in stove top stuffing? ›

Using 1 tablespoon of olive oil (instead of the butter called for in the package recipe), sauté mushrooms with celery and onions. Add stuffing mix and broth. When liquid is absorbed, add pecans, chives, and egg, and toss.

What is Thanksgiving stuffing made of? ›

The BEST traditional Thanksgiving Stuffing recipe is easy to make dried bread cubes, sausage, diced vegetables, and chicken broth. It's a great side dish to make ahead of time and it definitely tastes best homemade! Pair this easy homemade stuffing with our popular turkey recipe, homemade rolls, and Thanksgiving pie.

What is bread stuffing made of? ›

Bread Stuffing Ingredients

Vegetables: You'll need chopped celery with leaves and a chopped onion. Bread: Nine cups of chopped bread cubes should make about 16 servings. Seasonings: Season the bread stuffing with salt, dried sage, dried thyme, poultry seasoning, and black pepper.

What's the difference between stuffing and homemade dressing? ›

"Stuffing is cooked in the cavity of the turkey, so the juices soak into the ingredients, making it more flavorful. Dressing gets cooked on its own and needs extra liquid to make it flavorful." So stuffing is cooked inside the bird. Dressing is cooked outside the bird, usually in a casserole dish.

What is stove top stuffing made of? ›

This stuffing is made on the stove top with oven toasted bread cubes, onion, celery, dried seasonings, butter, and warm chicken broth. The best part is that it frees up oven space because it cooks on the stove top!


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