Healthy Easy To Make Low Calorie Recipes | LaaLoosh (2024)

Crusted Butternut Squash Recipe

By Wendy Zitzman

Recently, I came across the original version of this Crusted Butternut Squash Recipe at Sprouted Kitchen.

And even though it’s the middle of summer, I suddenly was overcome with a desire for this fall recipe. I made just a few tweaks, and was thrilled with how ridiculously delicious this butternut squash recipe was!

The savory, seasoned breadcrumb mixture was the perfect accent to the mild, slightly sweet squash. This made a beautiful Weight Watchers side dish recipe that was not only lovely but absolutely delicious and a fantastic way to get in a healthy veggie serving.

I love the idea of serving it for the fall, but it was so darn good, I don’t think I can wait that long to have it again!

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Cilantro Lime Chicken Recipe – 4 Points

By Wendy Zitzman

I’m often asked how I have the time to cook so many healthy, low calorie meals, while still managing to have a life. I totally get that food shopping, food prep, and cooking can be very time consuming and tedious at times. So, one of the things I like to do when I have a busy week ahead, is to cook up this Cilantro Lime Chicken, and store it in the fridge or freezer.

Back in May, I put together an awesome Weight Watches Dessert Recipe for a super fabulous blog, It Sux to Be Fat. If you haven’t ever had a chance to read her blog, Jennifer Swafford provides an open and honest dialogue there that covers Weight Loss, Exercise, Recipes and Nutrition. And she does it in a away that makes you feel like you are talking to your best friend, rather than some super skinny weight loss authority.

Zucchini Miso Ponzu Noodles Recipe – 3 Points

By Wendy Zitzman

With all the summer zucchini so readily available and cheap, I’m all about creating some delicious new Weight Watchers Zucchini Recipes. I came across the original version of this Zucchini Miso Ponzu Noodles Recipe at and couldn’t wait to give it a try!

I was so eager to whip out my Veggetti again and get this dish made, that I didn’t even make a trip to the store to grab some snap peas and bell peppers…I just made it with the zucchini and carrots.

It was still delicious, but next time, I’ll add the other veggies and maybe even the baked tofu that the original version uses. But keeping it simple was great, and the zucchini noodles turned out perfectly. Tangy, salty and a bit sweet, the miso ponzu sauce was excellent, and using zucchini instead of carb-heavy noodles kept this Weight Watchers recipe very light and low in Points. This dish is a must try!

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Baked Buffalo Chicken Taquitos Recipe – 6 Points

By Wendy Zitzman

As I’ve mentioned time and time again on this blog, I am obsessed with Buffalo Chicken anything. And I’m always experimenting with new healthy, and low calorie ways to get my craving satisfied. Over the years, I’ve created a variety of Buffalo Chicken Weight Watchers Recipes, but these Baked Buffalo Chicken Taquitos are topping my list right now. Holy Moly were they good.

Roasted Middle Eastern Chicken with Potatoes Recipe

By Wendy Zitzman

It’s amazing how spices can really make an impact on a meal. Take this Roasted Middle Eastern Chicken with Potatoes Recipe, for example. It’s really just a simple dish of chicken and potatoes, but the blend of Middle Eastern spice combination, turns this basic recipe into something absolutely mouthwatering.

Spinach and Mushroom Quesadilla Recipe – 4 Points

By Wendy Zitzman

Cheese is, without a doubt, my most favorite food in the world. I eat it in all forms and varieties, and am always finding delicious ways to incorporate it into my Weight Watchers recipes. This Spinach and Mushroom Quesadilla recipe is such a simple and basic dish that takes just minutes to make, and clocks in at just 4 Points per serving, so it’s another fantastic, low Points recipe that lets me indulge in my beloved cheese! By using a low carb tortilla, and volumizing it with lots of fresh baby spinach and sliced mushrooms, the quesadilla becomes very filling and satisfying, and also keeps the nutritional stats low enough to let me be generous with the cheese. Presented with a light soup or salad, it makes a perfect low calorie lunch. Serve with some salsa and low fat sour cream (1 extra Point) for dipping!

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Pepperoni Pizza Stuffed Chicken Recipe

By Wendy Zitzman

All the delicious flavors of pepperoni pizza rolled up in a juicy chicken breast that is breaded and seasoned with Italian herbs makes this one unbelievably good Weight Watchers chicken recipe! High in protein and lower in carbs than a slice of pizza, this high protein version will really fuel you up.

Corn and Zucchini Quiche Recipe – 2 Points

By Wendy Zitzman

Believe it or not, I got the idea for this delicious, crustless Corn Quiche recipe from one of my son’s preschool teachers. The teachers had helped the kids make this one day for their afternoon snack, and when I came to pick up my son, he was still sitting at the table gobbling his down. One of his teachers, Ms. Sylvia, told me that he LOVED it. And it was pretty clear that was true.

Spicy Cucumber Salad Recipe

By Wendy Zitzman

I am a spicy food fanatic. If it’s spicy, I’ll eat it. One of the good things about that is that most hot sauces/spicy seasonings are relatively low in Points, so I can use a lot of them to really flavor up my foods without adding on many if any at all, calories and Points. In fact, my vegetables are often just the vehicle for some spicy sauce or dressing that I love. And this Spicy Cucumber Salad Recipe that I’m sharing today is a pretty fantastic way to eat cucumbers.

The siracha-based dressing for this salad adds such tremendous flavor with a big kick of heat, but for just 1 Point per serving. So this is a great Weight Watchers side salad recipe that helps to fill me up without using a lot of Points.

I love this salad so much, I’ll often even throw it together for a late-night snack The crunch and the flavor help me tame that evening snack beast.

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Country Fried Chicken with Gravy Recipe

By Wendy Zitzman

This Weight Watchers Chicken Recipe for Country Fried Chicken with…

Vegetable Alfredo Recipe – 8 Points

By Wendy Zitzman

This Vegetable Alfredo was absolutely AMAZING! It’s hard to believe that something so simple could be so fantastic, but it is. The huge selection of vegetables is what makes this alfredo go from simple to stupendous. I love the variety of textures and flavors, all covered with a creamy sauce and a sprinkle of lemon zest to add an extra little burst of flavor.

Healthy Easy To Make Low Calorie Recipes | LaaLoosh (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.