14 Detox Water Recipes to Boost Your Metabolism (2024)

When used in the context of your diet, the words "cleanse"and "detox" aren't without controversy. This is mostly because some commercial cleanses and detox products on the market are full of sugar and empty calories, thus essentially causing more harm than good. Similarly, your liver and kidneys are natural detoxifiers, so drinking and eating foods that claim to do the work of your body's internal organs can seem redundant and like a waste of time and money.

That's where detox water—or infused water—comes in. No, not sugary juices you'll pay a cool $9 for, but simple fruit-, vegetable-, and herb-infuseddetox water recipes that may not completely rid your system of all evil but will kick-start your metabolism, support your liver, and deliver nutrients in a natural, unharmful way. Many are also packed with natural antioxidants to reverse cell damage. Plus, the influx of water and many of the anti-inflammatory ingredients may help you naturally de-bloat.

These recipes, dear readers, can do it all. For more information on the benefits of water detoxing, we reached out to a few of our most trusted sources:Elissa Goodman, Farah Fahad, Daphne Javitch, Dr. Amy Lee, and Erin Palinski-Wade. Keep scrolling for theirsavvy insight on the benefits of water detoxing, and their top picks for delicious detox water recipes that will help you de-bloat and kickstart your metabolism.

14 Detox Water Recipes to Boost Your Metabolism (1)

Why Detox With Water?

"Although your body does a great job detoxing itself through organs—such as the kidney and liver—staying hydrated helps your body's organs function at their optimal level, so drinking more water can help aid the body's own detoxifying efforts," NJ-based dietitian, diabetes educator, and author of Belly Fat Diet For Dummies, Erin Palinski-Wade tells us.

"I like to think of water as an internal shower," integrative nutritionist and founder of Doing Well, Daphne Javitch tells us. As she explains, drinking water helps flush out the body, and ensures our liver, kidney, and colon function properly.

While water detoxing may be used by some for cleansing, Javitch reminds us that staying hydrated should be part of our everyday routine. "It's the simplest daily adjustment we can make in order to assist our natural cleansing organs," she adds.

"Being adequately hydrated is essential in helping our bodies work through the toxic load we breathe in and ingest every day," explains LA-based nutritionist and lifestyle cleanse expert Elissa Goodman. "Staying hydrated is also one of the best ways to ensure optimal digestion of food, detoxification of toxins through the GI [gastrointestinal] tract, and adequate motility—the movement of waste through your digestive system," she says.

The Benefits of Water Detoxing

Dr. Amy Lee, head of nutrition for Nucific, outlines some of the most important benefits of water detoxing.

Water promotes overall health and wellness by:

  • Reducing both physical and mental fatigue and grogginess
  • Replenishing the body after exercise
  • Flushing out toxins from organs such as the kidney and liver
  • Improving mood
  • Improving metabolism and weight loss
  • Improving gastrointestinal health

Read on for our experts' favorite detox water recipes.

Plain Water


  • Water (preferably filtered)
  • 1 liter glass jar

What does it do?

"Plain old water is a game-changer," raves Daphne Javitch. "Water promotes detox, helps digestion, improves circulation, relieves constipation, reduces inflammation, curbs hunger between meals, reduces sugar cravings, boosts energy, and makes you glow," she adds.

Byrdie Tip

Javitch recommends determining your daily detox water dose (in ounces) by dividing your body weight in half.

Liver Loving Water

Recipe courtesy of Farah Fahad


  • 1 liter of water (33.8 oz)
  • 2 dropperfuls of burdock tincture
  • 2 tablespoons fresh turmeric juice
  • 3–4 slices of lemon

What does it do?

"Our liver is our factory—it detoxifies toxins and hormones [and] it is the seat of many key metabolic processes," says Fahad. "Burdock enhances liver function and elimination, turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory, and lemon enhances the body’s natural detoxification processes," she explains. With all ingredients combined, this Liver Loving Water recipe is an optimal choice for supporting a healthy liver.

Fahad's favorite burdock tincture is Herb Pharm's Burdock Blend.

Cooling Cucumber Water

Recipe courtesy of Elissa Goodman


  • 1 cucumber, sliced
  • Pinch Himalayan salt
  • 1 lime, sliced
  • 4 cups alkaline water


If you’re crunched for time, infused water recipes can be prepared in a pinch. The only steps required are adding the ingredients to a large pitcher and chilling in the refrigerator before drinking.

What does it do?

"Infused waters are an easy way to increase your water intake, and they are so yummy!" raves Elissa Goodman. According to Goodman, the nutrients in her Cooling Cucumber recipe come mainly from the cucumbers, which contain large amounts of vitamin A and C, as well as silica and potassium, which are both essential minerals.

14 Detox Water Recipes to Boost Your Metabolism (3)



This water bottle comes with a second cap, so you can infuse your water without worrying about fruit unexpectedly falling into your mouth.

Cucumber, Lemon, Mint Water

14 Detox Water Recipes to Boost Your Metabolism (4)


  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1 lemon
  • A few sprigs of mint
  • Water


Wash and slice the cucumber and lemon, and rinse the mint. Place cucumber and lemon into a water jug. Fill the jug with water, mix, and leave to steep overnight in the fridge. You can keep topping off the jug with more water for a few days until you need to change the fruits and herbs.

What does it do?

This refreshing and energizing detox water is loaded with vitamin C (found in lemon) and vitamin A (found in mint), which are both powerful antioxidants. Goodman claims that lemon interacts with enzymes to stimulate gastric juices, cleanses the arteries and blood, and helps the liver produce more enzymes and release toxins. Lemon is also known for its ability to reduce inflammation and improve digestion.

Now for the mint. "The mint in this water may aid digestion while providing anti-inflammatory properties," says Palinski-Wade. "In addition, the aroma of lemon can awaken the senses and help you to feel more energized," she adds.

Watermelon & Mint Refresher

Recipe courtesy of Elissa Goodman


  • 1 cup cubed watermelon
  • 1 handful fresh mint
  • 4 cups alkaline water

What does it do?

"Watermelon contains potassium, a mineral that helps support many organs including the kidneys, which are responsible for flushing toxins from our system," explains Goodman.

Ginger Mint Water

14 Detox Water Recipes to Boost Your Metabolism (5)


  • 1 cucumber, thinly sliced
  • 2 inches fresh, peeled ginger root
  • 2 lemon/lime wedges
  • 10–12 fresh mint leaves
  • A pinch of Himalayan salt

What does it do?

"A proven effective digestive aid, ginger reduces gas and intestinal discomfort, helps to prevent stomach ulcers and bad bacteria from inhabiting the gut, and contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds that reduce pain and symptoms of inflammation," explains Goodman.

According to Palinski-Wade, ginger also has the ability to relieve nausea and can even reduce blood insulin levels which may help manage weight. Fresh ginger can also protect against viruses—it has the ability to prevent the common cold and soothe a sore throat. "Antimicrobial properties in ginger may help to protect the throat against infection from bacteria and viruses," Palinski-Wade tells us. "In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties may soothe inflammation in the throat which occurs during an infection, helping to reduce pain and discomfort," she explains.

Byrdie Tip

Add a dash of peppermint essential oil to help ease digestive issues like bloating and nausea.

Pineapple & Ginger Tummy Soother

Recipe courtesy of Elissa Goodman


  • 1 cup cubed pineapple
  • 2 tablespoons sliced fresh ginger
  • 4 cups alkaline water

What does it do?

According to Goodman, pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps digestion and may reduce bloating. Ginger drinks are also well-known for soothing stomach aches as ginger helps regulate the body’s blood sugar levels, she adds.

Classic Berry-Infused Water

Recipe courtesy of Dr. Amy Lee


  • 2 strawberries, cleaned and sliced
  • 6 blueberries, cleaned and halved
  • 4 red raspberries, cleaned and halved
  • 4 black raspberries, cleaned and halved

Directions: Fill a 24-ounce mason jar with ice and add the ingredients listed above. Then, fill the jar with water. Soak the berries in the water for at least 4–6 hours before drinking.

What does it do?

A berry-infused drink is a perfect way to maximize your daily water intake while equally enjoying a flavorful and refreshing drink. Berries, nature’s antioxidants, are packed with vitamins and minerals. According to Dr. Lee, dark blue and purple colored berries—like blueberries and black raspberries—contain a flavonoid called anthocyanin, a plant compound containing powerful antioxidants.

Detox Tonic

Recipe courtesy of Elissa Goodman



All you need to do to reap the benefits of this powerfully healthy water detox is mix the above ingredients together in a 16-ounce jar and drink immediately to take full advantage of the rich nutrients.

What does it do?

"I created my Detox Tonic out of a desire to simplify daily cleansing," Goodman tells us. "Just one 16-ounce detox tonic offers many different benefits, and every ingredient—including the water—has an intention and a purpose," she continues. She promises, "My detox tonic is an alkaline beverage that is mood-enhancing, skin clearing, digestion promoting, and immunity-boosting!"

Aloe Vera: In addition to its abundance of nutrients, ranging from vitamins A, B12, C, and E to minerals like potassium, magnesium, and zinc, Aloe vera has a number of proven health benefits. Aloe vera "contains powerful antioxidant compounds that help balance metabolism and boost the immune system," explains Goodman. It can also "ease constipation and improve digestion, and is said to enhance insulin sensitivity and help improve blood sugar management," she adds.

Kefir: Kefir is a "natural supplier of probiotics to the digestive tract," explains Goodman. "It’s easily digested, cleansing to the digestive tract, provides beneficial bacteria, vitamins, and minerals, and promotes a healthy immune system."

Alkaline Water: Characterized as her "secret ingredient" alkaline water "can help neutralize the acid in the bloodstream, contains antioxidant properties, cleanses the colon, and can increase alkalinity to support overall health," Goodman tells us.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar "helps the body maintain an alkaline state, and can give a natural energy boost while helping the body detox," claims Goodman. Apple cider vinegar may also have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic effects.

Mary Ruth's Liquid Probiotic: Although Goodman lists this ingredient as optional, she highly recommends it for its digestive benefits and its potential ability to increase the body’s nutrient absorption. "This certified organic, vegan, raw probiotic is made of a proprietary blend of three organic kinds of grass, and is completely tasteless," Goodman raves. "In addition, probiotics are an essential part of weight loss and maintenance." Studies show that prime digestive function and gut bacteria are needed for energy and metabolism.

14 Detox Water Recipes to Boost Your Metabolism (6)

George'sAlways Active Aloe$19.00


Hot and Sour Detox Water

Recipe courtesy of Dr. Amy Lee


  • Juice from 1 fresh lemon (save the wedges as well)
  • 2–3 dashes of cayenne pepper
  • 2 cups of ice


Fill a 32-ounce jar (with a lid) with 2 cups of ice. Add the juice of 1 lemon and place the left-over wedges into the jar. Fill the jar with water and then sprinkle in 2–3 dashes of cayenne pepper.

What does it do?

Dr. Amy Lee’s Hot and Sour Detox Water is a super simple recipe that can be enjoyed every day. According to Dr. Lee, cayenne pepper has been consumed as both a food and a medical treatment for thousands of years. To name just a few benefits, cayenne pepper contains detoxifying properties, soothes stomach pains, boosts metabolism, and even benefits cardiovascular health, she reveals. Cayenne also acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory compound, improving circulation and reducing blood pressure while also providing a slight metabolism boost, adds Palinski-Wade.

Adding lemon juice to the mix creates a dynamic sour experience that is sure to boost your energy and awaken your senses.

Tulsi Tea

Recipe courtesy of Elissa Goodman


  • 1 cup alkaline water
  • 1 bag tulsi tea
  • 100% pure stevia, to taste
  • Fresh mint (optional)

What does it do?

According to Goodman, tulsi tea, also known as "Holy Basil," means "the incomparable one" in Hindi. Known for its numerous health benefits, the tulsi plant promotes healthy digestion, liver detoxification, and kidney function. "Consuming the tea also stimulates metabolism and promotes healthy weight by accelerating fat burning potential," Goodman notes.

Refreshing Green Water

Recipe courtesy of Dr. Amy Lee


  • Juice of 4 limes (save the rinds wedges)
  • 2 tablespoons sliced raw ginger
  • Mint leaves from 3 mint leaf stems (remove the leaves from the stem)
  • ½ a medium-sized cucumber, sliced into thin pieces
  • 3 cups ice

Directions: In a gallon jar with a lid, mix in the mint leaves and cucumber. Next, add the ice and lime juice and fill the jar with water (all the way up to the rim).

What does it do?

As Dr. Lee explains, the water content and electrolytes found in cucumbers might help reduce water retention, which causes bloating. Mint also helps digestion, and limes contain vitamin C, a cofactor for the production of collagen, an anti-aging property.

Green Power Celery Water

Recipe courtesy of Dr. Amy Lee


  • 4 stalks of celery, cut into small pieces
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cheesecloth

Directions: If you don’t have a juicer that extracts and separates the juice from the fiber, Dr. Lee suggests blending the celery stalks with either a food processor or a blender. Once blended, run the purified celery through a porous cheesecloth. Then, squeeze the juice from the solid fiber into a cup.If the taste is too strong, Dr. Lee recommends adding additional water to dilute the recipe.

What does it do?

"I grew up loving celery for its crunchiness and versatility in being strong enough to keep nut butter in place like a spoon," raves Dr. Lee. "It’s a great detox ingredient because the water content is so high," she adds. Celery also contains high levels of luteolin and apigenin, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective ingredients.

The Trio

Recipe courtesy of Dr. Amy Lee


  • 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (unfiltered and unpasteurized)
  • Juice from 1 fresh lemon
  • 2–3 dashes of cayenne pepper
  • 1 tablespoon fresh honey

Directions: In a 24-ounce jar, add the apple cider vinegar, fresh lemon juice, honey, and cayenne pepper. Top off with water of your choice. Shut the lid and shake until the honey is thoroughly mixed.

What does it do?

Both lemon and cayenne aid digestion and help relieve bloating. However, those with a history of acid reflux may be extremely sensitive to cayenne pepper, warns Dr. Lee. While unfiltered or unpasteurized apple cider vinegar may look cloudy, Dr. Lee reveals that it contains acetic acid bacteria, which has the ability to stabilize sugar levels and promote overall gut health, as evidenced by animal research.

How to Lose Weight Without Changing Your Diet (Yes, Really)

14 Detox Water Recipes to Boost Your Metabolism (2024)


How do you make detox water for metabolism? ›

6 detox water recipes to boost your metabolism
  1. 1/6. Water+Mint leaves. Adding fresh mint leaves to water can create a cooling and soothing drink. ...
  2. 2/6. Water+Ginger. Slices of fresh ginger can be added to water for a spicy and invigorating flavor. ...
  3. 3/6. Water+ Cucumber​ ...
  4. 4/6. Water+Lemon. ...
  5. 5/6. Water+Cinnamon. ...
  6. 6/6. Water+Salt.
Aug 18, 2023

What can I put in water for metabolism? ›

While there are many variations of detox water recipes, the common theme is that they include ingredients with purported health and weight loss benefits, such as:
  1. Berries.
  2. Cayenne pepper.
  3. Cinnamon.
  4. Cucumber.
  5. Ginger.
  6. Lemon and lime.
  7. Mint and basil.
Jan 29, 2024

What is the best detox water for belly fat? ›

5 Detox Drinks To Lose Belly Fat
  1. Lemon Water: Rich in antioxidants and catechins, green tea can increase fat burning and promote weight loss. ...
  2. Green Tea: Slice cucumbers and mint leaves and let them infuse in water overnight. ...
  3. Cucumber Mint Detox Water. ...
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar Drink. ...
  5. Beetroot Juice.
Feb 14, 2024

What is the best drink to flush your system completely? ›

Support your body's natural detoxification with these seven detox drinks.
  • Green Tea. We know: Plain green tea? ...
  • Cucumber Water. There's a reason cucumber water is so popular. ...
  • Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne Pepper, Lemon, and Water. ...
  • TikTok's Wellness Tonic. ...
  • Coffee. ...
  • Pink Salt Water. ...
  • Lemon, Turmeric, Black Pepper, and Water.
Dec 23, 2022

How to make detox water for weight loss at home for weight loss? ›

sliced cucumber, sliced lime, water. Place it in the refrigerator overnight and sip on it throughout the day. Cucumber helps in detoxification and flushes out toxins from the body. Apart from that, the presence of antioxidants in lime helps in replenishing the lost nutrients of the body.

What drink speeds up metabolism? ›

Certain drinks such as green tea, coffee and ginger tea may help boost metabolism, minimize hunger and increase satiety, all of which can facilitate weight loss. Additionally, these beverages contain beneficial nutrients like antioxidants and other powerful compounds that can benefit your health.

What is the best morning drink to boost metabolism? ›

Drinking lukewarm lemon water in morning helps with digestion, boosts metabolism and promotes weight loss. Take a glass of lukewarm water and add few drops of lemon juice. You can add some chia seeds and half a teaspoon of honey for additional benefits. Both honey and chia seeds are good for weight loss.

What is the fastest way to flush water weight? ›

Ways to lose water weight
  1. Reduce sodium (salt) intake. To lose water weight, a person should consider replacing sodium-rich foods with low sodium equivalents. ...
  2. Drink more water. While counterintuitive, drinking water can actually reduce water weight. ...
  3. Reduce carbohydrate intake. ...
  4. Supplements. ...
  5. Exercise. ...
  6. Water pills.

What can I drink to flatten my stomach overnight? ›

6 bedtime drinks that can boost weight loss overnight
  • Greek yogurt protein shake. As noted above, having protein before bed—especially if you've worked out beforehand—helps stimulate the repair and rebuilding of muscle (muscle protein synthesis) while you sleep. ...
  • Chamomile tea. ...
  • Red wine. ...
  • Kefir. ...
  • Soy-based protein shake. ...
  • Water.
Feb 21, 2020

Does cinnamon in water help with weight loss? ›

Cinnamon and ginger are two spices that have been studied for their potential effects on weight loss, and some evidence suggests that they may be beneficial. However, it's important to understand that simply adding these spices to hot water is unlikely to lead to significant weight loss on its own.

What should I eat to get a flat stomach in 3 days? ›

What to eat to get a flat stomach in just 3 days
  1. Ginger mint tea. ...
  2. Bloat-free breakfasts. ...
  3. Coconut yoghurt with blueberries. ...
  4. Cinnamon oat smoothie. ...
  5. Spinach and tomato omelette. ...
  6. Mid-morning snack. ...
  7. 2 slices of watermelon or cantaloupe. ...
  8. Spiralised apple and cinnamon noodles.
Jul 7, 2016

What is the fastest way to flush your body of toxins? ›

While detox diets have a seductive appeal, your body is fully equipped to handle toxins and other unwanted substances.
  1. Limit alcohol. ...
  2. Focus on sleep. ...
  3. Drink more water. ...
  4. Reduce your intake of sugar and processed foods. ...
  5. Eat antioxidant-rich foods. ...
  6. Eat foods high in prebiotics. ...
  7. Decrease your salt intake. ...
  8. Stay active.

What juice flushes you out? ›

What are the best ingredients to include in a detox drink?
  • Lemon / Lime. Lemons and limes have antioxidant properties and are an excellent source of key vitamins, nutrients, and soluble fiber. ...
  • Ginger. ...
  • Apple Cider Vinegar. ...
  • Mint. ...
  • Watermelon. ...
  • Cucumber. ...
  • Cranberry. ...
  • Grapefruit.
Jan 15, 2020

How do you flush carbs out of your body fast? ›

Start by drinking more water and increasing your fiber intake (try eating more non-starchy vegetables or taking a fiber supplement). Ginger, peppermint and licorice – either fresh or in tea form – can also help to get things moving, as can taking magnesium, probiotics or digestive enzymes.

How do you make detox water for weight loss and glowing skin? ›

You can include a green detox drink in your diet to purify your body from within and get glowing skin. Take pieces of spinach, zucchini, green apples (2), cucumber, and ginger (1/2) and add them to a juicer. Pour the juice into a glass and squeeze lemon in it. Detoxify your body with pomegranate juice.

How much weight can you lose in 3 days of water fasting? ›

We watched hundreds of videos on 3 day water fasts and people reported losing between 4.5 lbs to 12 lbs on their fast. This depends on a lot of factors including starting weight and height. The three-day water fast can be a powerful tool for natural healing, weight loss, and overall well-being.

How much detox water should I drink a day to lose weight? ›

How much detox water is enough? If you plan on losing weight then an average of one liter per day is enough. Usually, 2 to 3 liters of water is suggested to drink in a day.


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